
Sunday, October 12, 2014

Random chatter, hair regimen

For the past 3 weeks i have been rinsing my hair daily with plain water. I remember the first day i did that, i was taking a shower and all of a sudden felt like washing my hair. Since i didn’t have any products with me in the shower, i just rinsed my hair with plain water…and i loved it. I had shampooed my hair maybe 2 days prior. The next day, i did the same thing and that went on for a week.

I would finger comb my hair in the shower in one direction (flowing back) to avoid any tangles, squeeze out the excess water, wrap it in a towel for a bit, apply some leave-in conditioner then a bit of coconut oil, bun it and smooth it out using a bristle brush to kind of make it neat. No combing was involved that week.

By the end of that week, my hair was a pain to comb and my roots were really curly (9-10 weeks post). When my best friend found out how long i had gone without combing my hair, she grabbed a seat, sat me down and detangled the heck out of my hair. She was gentle though :D Thank God she did that because i wasn’t going to do it for another day or 2.


After that, i realized that not combing my hair for a week while doing the daily rinsing was a bad idea. I also realized that my roots get really curly just from the daily rinsing. I now think using hair products loosens the curl pattern some.

So, for the past 2 weeks, this is the regimen i have been following:

Shampoo and condition

Rinse with plain water

Thats it! Of course i apply leave-in conditioner and coconut oil afterwards. My styling options are limited to buns because, what am i to do with damp hair and limited time on my hands? I always tie a scarf on my head after bunning to lay everything down and i keep it on till am about to leave the house.

I’ll get back to deep conditioning and doing henna treatments soon, but for now, this is all that am doing,…and its working pretty well for me because my scalp gets really sweaty from my daily workouts. I always feel refreshed after the rinse.

I comb my hair daily under the shower head or after i get out of the shower and so far so good. My hair is never tangled really and i seem to be shedding very little hair. Maybe thats because of the scalp massages i do while rinsing my hair.

I’ve been using milder shampoos. You’d think my hair would be over moisturized due to the daily rinses but its not. I do however plan on doing a strengthening treatment soon and take a break from the daily rinses as i prep my hair for a relaxer. Am already 12 weeks 5 days post relaxer today so relaxing my hair anytime now is okay.

Tagged: 12 weeks post, 13 weeks post, daily rinsing, hair care Kenya, hair journey, Hair journey Kenya, hair regimen, hairjunkie2011, healthy hair, healthy hair care, Kenyan blogger, Kenyan hair blogger, relaxed hair Kenya, relaxed hair regimen, rinsing relaxed hair daily, working out, working out Kenya, workout, workout hair, workouts

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