
Friday, June 29, 2018

The Unstated Philosophy of the DNC ? Socialist, Fascist, Progressive & Anti-American

by PL Booth, Contributing Author: The modern American Left that now controls and runs the Democrat Party is often misunderstood by even the party members and misguided citizens who simply cannot fathom the extent the DNC is invested in leftist ideas and philosophy: Fascism, progressivism, and socialism walk hand in hand, inseparable, within the democrat party. That philosophy can be summed up as all citizens must submit to the state authority, not just in economic matters, but in all matters since everything is political in nature.

The state gets to tell everyone how to think, what to think about, and what to do. There is no to be no private sphere unregulated by the state. There are many visible and personal examples, namely Maxine Waters, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Lee, Eric Swalwell, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, John Lewis, Stinky Hoyer, Elijah Cummings, Keith Ellison, Emanuel Cleaver, William Lacy Clay, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Al Green, Bernice Johnson, and many more such as Reid, Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders.

They claim to be for a Government by and for all the people but to achieve their goals they want all of society to be brought into line with their peculiar anti-GOD, anti-American, anti-Constitutional, pro-abortion, and "politically correct" (meaning socialistic) philosophy. There is no room for actually following the laws as written (note the current controversy over illegal immigration wherein they say there is NO IMMIGRATION that is illegal). Nor do they believe the Constitution is the final word nor should it be arbiter of current laws since it was written so long ago by "old white men."

They seek absolute conformity through the rewriting of laws by liberal judges (rather than the legislature) and control of education (such as the education camps of the communists in NK and Russia) wherein no conservative nor God-fearing professors should be allowed to teach. The government is to act as teacher using schools to promulgate its values and priorities. In this, the dems are successful, Note the "Common Core" curricula. Remember Obama claiming in 2012, "We belong to the Government."

To understand an ideology, one must study its theories and actions. It has become the trend with leftists to minimize their core principles (and lie about them) in order camouflage their similarity with progressivism. Both ally with banks, industrialists, the army, churches, and the media. Who owns and runs Microsoft and Apple? Far from conservative. What has happened to our churches that now promote homosexuality, feminism, and no longer proclaim the Gospel? Who was it that forced the military to accept homosexuality and trans-genders? Which of the several large news and entertainment outlets is not liberal, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN. How about the assorted newspapers throughout the nation? Any of them actually conservative or does your local paper belong to a national chain which only hires and publishes liberal tripe? Do they denigrate capitalism and conservative values? Are they harsh critics of President Trump, even when he has so many accomplishments benefitting the USA? Who is against tax reform and more personal income? Who wants open borders and to allow anyone at all to enter the USA? Who has embraced Islam and denies Christianity? Those are your liberal, socialistic, fascist, and progressive thinkers and leaders.

The DNC and its sycophants call any and all conservatives NAZI's and proclaim them against all American values. That is the "BIG LIE" in operation. Always accuse your detractors of what you are guilty of yourself and never admit what your own actions and philosophy has wrought. Socialists and the modern left are enemies of today's capitalist system which they call exploitation while using it to line their coffers. They often say they intend to destroy the current system of transform it. NAZI meant the National Socialist Party which is a good description of the current democrat party. Years ago, the head of the Communist Party of America said he would no longer run for President as it was no longer necessary since the Democrat Party had endorsed and adopted the Communist Party's entire platform. The NAZI platform included nationalization of large corporations, trusts, government control of all banking, credit, seizure of lands for supposed public use (without compensation), abolition of incomes unearned by work (IRA's, retirements), a national pension system (SS), and universal health care and education. Weren't these also the DNC platform of Barack insane Obama? If you read the NAZI platform of 1937, you could quite easily mistake it for the DNC platform of 2016. Some modern students of Government claim that fascism and National Socialism still have not failed since they were never fully implemented and tried. Modern progressivism has attempted a revival though under a different name, hence Obama.

Under our first amendment, Congress shall make no law … prohibiting the free exercise of (religion.) Of course, if someone wants you to preform services for them, even if you deem those services indicative of or supporting an immoral action or if it is against your personally held religious belief, the left does not think that amendment should stand. Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, unless that speech just happens to offend some constituent or proponent of the Democrat Party in which case judges have the right to compel you.

The right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed … but liberal (democrat run) local and state governments can regulate, remove, or prohibit ownership and use of any particular firearm they happen to dislike. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures … and no Warrants shall issue but upon probable cause supported by Oath or affirmation … describing the place to be searched and persons or things to be seized. Unless the FBI thinks they don't like you or your ideas or actions, even if not illegal, or if they want to hear what you are saying over your cell phone, on your computer, or in letters in which case they can lie to FISA judges and no one will be the wiser.

No one can be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law (unless you are an infant in you mothers' womb or happen to be carrying a large sum of money that can be used by some local law enforcement entity at their discretion or if you happen to be using or own a piece of real estate that the local government wants to use or that some developer is willing to spend monies upon for the benefit of a particular community of township, etc.) When a 'democrat run' government decides it wants what you have, regardless of what it is, even your life, it can take it from you. The powers not delegated to the USA by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the states are reserved to the states or to the people. That is known as federalism.

The States are premier over the federal government and the people are premier over both the states and the federal government, unless those governments decide you are inferior in some manner, legal or otherwise in which cases they do as they please, they being the hired, appointed, or entrenched civil servants using the powers granted them by some government. Priorities, you know.

Isn't it interesting that the democrats do not care that to be a citizen requires one to be under the jurisdiction (authority) of the USA and the state in which they reside. They want anyone who wants to come into the USA be allowed even if they are still under the jurisdiction and are citizens of another country and have not applied under our laws for US citizenship. And they want those non-citizens to have the rights to vote (which requires one to be a citizen) for whomever they wish even though the Constitution prohibits that with a penalty of law. Understandable as the dems don't think our Constitution is nor should be the basis of our legal system, either. And, too, they seem to believe that non-citizens are most likely to vote for the organization that is allowing them to circumvent laws for their own benefit. Why else allow illegal immigrants benefits?

There are numerous other reasons that can be listed to support the idea the Democrat Party has become the modern leftist socialist, progressive, fascist, equivalent of the NAZI party and is entirely UNAMERICAN in its philosophies and actions. If you watch the news, it becomes apparent that the majority of scofflaw politicians, crooked judges, and public servants are all adherents of the democrat party and their leftist philosophy. There is no honor, honesty, decency, integrity, nor morality adhered to within the democrat party which denies the very existence of GOD and the ascendancy of law over their personal desires for power. To vote democrat is to deny the rights or every American to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without democrat party run government permissions and control. I deny they should ever have such power given them.
Patrick (PL) Booth writes for The View from Blue Eye

Tags: DNC, unstated philosophy, Socialist, Fascist, Progressive, Anti-American liberal, PL Booth, The View from Blue Eye To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!

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