
Friday, June 29, 2018

Sessions Tackles Separation Anxiety on the Left

AG Jeff Sessions
by Tony Perkins: The job of U.S. attorney general is a difficult one under the best circumstances. But for Jeff Sessions, who's had to withstand an onslaught from the Left (and, at times, the Right), it takes real grit to continue moving forward and making a difference. For Sessions, though, this latest controversy over the border and immigration should prove to a lot of the attorney general's critics why the president was right to hire him.

After eight years of Obama, Sessions's Justice Department has been a dream -- defending religious liberty, the unborn, and systematically ending the lawlessness and corruption that exploded under the last president. Even on touchy issues like family separation, Sessions hasn't wavered, explaining calmly and rationally why the policy existed and what Congress can do to fix it. He understands that the family separation issue is just a symptom of the broader problem: a broken immigration system with more loopholes, he argues, than "Swiss cheese."

President Trump did his part -- issuing an executive order to end the separation of children at the border. Of course, as we know from Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, the vast majority of these kids weren't with their parents to begin with. They were either trafficked, brought across like a passport by adult males who knew they'd have a better shot at asylum with children, or alone. In other words, most of these children (10,000 of the 12,000 Nielsen confirms) are unaccompanied and were already separated from their families.

Still, none of this -- including the White House's fix -- seemed to satisfy Trump's opponents, who, in reality, probably don't want to solve the problem as much as they want to capitalize on it. And frankly, Sessions and the rest of the administration's leaders are tired of it. As far as they're concerned, Democrats have a choice. They can either come to the table and be a part of the solution or stop complaining.

As most conservatives know, one of the problems here is a profound difference in ideology. Radical leftists want a country without borders -- which, ironically, is no country at all. Sessions realizes this, and yesterday, at an event in Los Angeles, called them for their double standard. "The rhetoric we hear from the other side on this issue... has become radicalized," Sessions said. "We hear views on television today that are on the lunatic fringe, frankly."
"And what is perhaps more galling is the hypocrisy," he added. "These same people live in gated communities, many of them, and are featured at events where you have to have an ID to even come in and hear them speak. They like a little security around themselves. And if you try to scale the fence, believe me, they'd be even too happy to have you arrested and separated from your children," he said to raucous applause.

"They want borders in their lives, but not in yours."
Tony Perkins is President of the Family Research Council . This article was on Tony Perkin's Washington Update and written with the aid of FRC senior writers.

Tags: Tony Perkins, Family Research Center, FRC, Family Research Council, Jeff Sessions, the Left's Separation Anxiety To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!

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