by Patrick L. Booth, Contributing Author: GOD is; or has never existed. The difference herein illustrates the different worldviews of Christians and non-Christians exactly. If GOD is, then he created the world, gave us Christ, holds our futures in his hands, and is in control of all. If he is not, there is no morality, only power and convenience, all of life is an accident of chemistry, and mankind is unworthy of existence.
The latter view is held by the Democrat Socialist Party and its politicians. Dems believe the only morality is convenience, the murder of children in their mothers' wombs is a moral imperative, wealth is created by governments which must control its distribution for equality of outcomes, personal liberties (not privileges) are granted by the powerful within governments, individuals (including children) are the properties of their governments, and politicians exist to parcel out wealth, privilege, and referee equality within their political and economic slaves. A simple reading of any communist manifesto, the democrat party platform, or listening to dem pols confirm this.
Hillary the Harridan and her Pissant Bill both are physically and mentally ill psychopaths who lie as easily, often, and naturally as a bear defecates in the woods. Both are criminals and multiple felons though only Bill has been caught yet but both are deified by ignorant democrat slaves and the sycophantic media enablers equally culpable as members of that vast criminal enterprise we laughingly call the Democrat Party. Hillary sold her soul to Satan and our nation to the highest bidders to accumulate great wealth but the media ignores it.
No doubt all men lie, some are evil, some are not, some redeemable, some not. Some people love America, appreciate personal liberties and want what is best for the nation and its people, some do not. Hillary and her democrat minions are in the second category. Their malfeasance and treasonous activities have been on display and in action for many years. Obama, Kerry, Hillary, and far too many within our governments and this administration are America haters unworthy of their privileges nor admiration. Shall we continue to elect the known evil of God booing, baby murdering, thieves, and liars or try a new approach?
I am not a republican party member but realize there is but one other viable candidate for our presidency, a man I personally dislike, but who's shown he can change and does love America, a stark contrast to the Harridan selling out our nation for personal power. This election must not allow any democrats to increase their criminal hold on our nation lest we cease to exist.
Vote your conscience but if you vote democrat, don't claim to be Christian. God will not forgive those who deny his existence, the unforgivable sin.
Patrick "PL" Booth is a constitutional conservative who blogs in Blue Eye, MO at the The Blue Eye View and is a contributing author to the ARRA News Service.
Tags: PL Booth, The Blue Eye View, 2016, Presidential Election, Christian Viewpoint, voting, 2016 Election To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!
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