
Saturday, December 5, 2015

New State Dept Emails Reveal Hillary Slept Past Staff Efforts to Set Up Intelligence Briefing

Editorial Cartoons by AF Branco
by Bill Murphy: Judicial Watch today released a new batch of emails of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton connected to the Benghazi attack.
  • Included is an email chain showing that Clinton slept late the Saturday after the Benghazi attack and missed a meeting that her staff had been trying to set up about sensitive intelligence issues, including the Presidential Daily Brief, on a day she was to make a slew of phone calls to foreign leaders.
  • Also included in the documents is an email from Clinton advisor Sidney Blumenthal, sent three days after the attack, describing then-Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney as "contemptible on a level not seen in past contemptible political figures" and a "mixture of greedy ambition and hollowness."
  • The documents contain an email passed to Clinton in the days following the Benghazi attack in which the father of alleged Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl anguishes over the "'Crusade' paradigm" which he says "will never be forgotten in this part of the world."
  • An email from former Ambassador Joe Wilson to Clinton expresses his concern about "Christian Dominionists who seek to turn [the military] into an instrument of their religious zealotry."
  • Other emails show approval of an effort to blame an Internet video on the Benghazi attack that aired on the Al Jazeera network.
Read these emails and more details at Judicial Watch: New State Department Emails Reveal Hillary Clinton Slept Past Staff Efforts to Set Up Intelligence Briefing

Tags: IState Department, emails,, Hillary Clinton, slept late, Benghazi attack, missed meeting, sensitive intelligence, Sidney Blumenthal, Ambassador Joe Wilson, Christian Dominionists, approval, to blame, Internet video To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!


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