
Saturday, December 5, 2015

Another Case of SJS, The Left's Agenda

Gary Bauer
by Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: In the aftermath of the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, which left 14 people dead and at least 20 wounded, the FBI, most of the media and local law enforcement are warning us not to jump to any conclusions. This could be work place violence, or perhaps someone offended the shooters, Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik.

Really? Here's what we know:
  • Farook seemed to become more religiously devout in recent months. He recently grew his beard out. His father described his son this way, "He was very religious. He would go to work, come back, go to pray, come back. He's Muslim."
  • The Wall Street Journal reports that Farook traveled to Saudi Arabia last year. Authorities believe he went for religious reasons, perhaps to make the Hajj -- a pilgrimage to Mecca.
  • According to the Los Angeles Times, a co-worker claims that "Farook recently traveled to Saudi Arabia to meet a woman he met online and returned with a new wife."
  • Neighbors say Farook often worked in his garage late into the evening. A man who worked in Farook's neighborhood said he saw "a half-dozen Middle Eastern men in the area in recent weeks," but said nothing because "he did not wish to racially profile" anyone.
  • The attack was clearly premeditated. The couple reportedly left their six month-old daughter with Farook's mother in the morning, claiming they had doctor's appointments.
  • Yet Farook went to the holiday party at the Inland Regional Center, where there was supposedly some kind of disturbance. He left and returned about 20 minutes later, this time with his wife, heavily armed and wearing body armor. That's not the usual response of someone who gets into an argument at a holiday work party. Perhaps it was another mysterious case of "sudden jihad syndrome."
  • Authorities report that they found multiple pipe bombs and other explosives at the scene, in their vehicle and at Farook's house, which they described as an "IED factory." This strongly suggests premeditation, as does the fact that the attack took place at a holiday party just before Chanukah and Christmas.
Yet with all of this information, the entire left is wagging its finger at the American public, warning about "jumping to any conclusions." As one FBI official sadly put it, terrorism "is a possibility, but . . . we're not willing to go down that road yet."

What exactly would it take for our politically correct elites to "go down that road"? The fact that ISIS extremists immediately began celebrating the attack with the disgusting hashtag "#America_burning" should have tipped them off.

This just in. . . Authorities now say that Farook had been in contact "with more than one international terrorism subject." Maybe now the politically correct media will admit the obvious. Maybe.

The Left's Agenda - The left's ideologically-driven agenda was impossible to miss yesterday.

Within moments of the first reports of shots fired, the media rushed to locate the nearest Planned Parenthood facility. Talk about jumping to conclusions!

Meanwhile, as people inside the Inland Regional Center were being gunned down by jihadis, the media were quick to tell us that workers at a nearby abortion facility were safe. (What about the babies at that facility?)

Just days ago, the very same left-wing media and political establishment took two words -- "baby parts" -- and rushed to smear the entire pro-life community because of the actions of one deranged man.

Left-wing reporters were eager to "go there" again yesterday. But no one in the media was calling on imams and other Muslim leaders to stop their outrageous rhetoric and calls for jihad against infidels.

Unbelievably, the only thing the left can get angry about in the aftermath of this attack is gun ownership and God.

President Obama, Geraldo Rivera and other left-wing politicians and pundits immediately attacked the Second Amendment yesterday -- even though all the guns used were legally purchased.

Just what law is the president proposing that would have prevented yesterday's attack? Is Obama suggesting that no Muslim man between the ages of 18 and 50 be allowed to buy guns? I seriously doubt it.

But the attack on faith is even more disgusting -- and very telling about the left's growing intolerance. The cover page of the New York Daily News mocks the tweets of prominent Republicans offering their prayers for the victims with this headline: "God Isn't Fixing This."

One left-wing senator got in on the act too, tweeting, "Your 'prayers' should be for forgiveness if you do nothing -- again."

This should be a wake-up call for men and women of faith. The culture war in America is real and only one side can prevail.

I believe a culture with greater faith in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob -- a culture that values the sanctity of life, all life, including unborn children -- CAN fix this.

America will not become a better nation by marginalizing faith and mocking God. Unless America rededicates itself to the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus, it is very doubtful whether we will survive the increasing danger we face at home and abroad.

This is the God Judeo-Christian civilization is built upon. This is the God who is mentioned in the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence as the author of our liberties.

Continued efforts to mock that God and the values that made this nation are why so many Americans feel they no longer recognize the country they are living in.
Gary Bauer is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families

Tags: Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families, San Bernardino, Jihad, mass shooting, California To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!


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