... What I'm talking about here is not just a handful of policies. I'm talking about the bulk of the Reagan-Gingrich-Bush legacy. Obama could not undo it because he had to deal with the Great Recession. But eight more years of a Democratic presidency can do exactly that—undo it, across a whole range of fronts.
The Atlantic, in an article entitled De Blasio's America summarizes it as follows:
Stiglitz, a Nobel Prize winner, and his co-authors will unveil their report for the Roosevelt Institute at an event today featuring Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York. Among their 37 policy recommendations are several versions of the term "public option." There is a public option for health care – opening Medicare to anyone, not just retirees. There is a public option for home mortgages, a public option for expanded retirement savings (on top of the existing Social Security system), even an expanded public option for the financing of political campaigns (in order to counteract the influence of wealthy individual donors).
There is government-provided pre-school for millions more children, subsidized child care and mandated family leave and sick leave. There is talk of nationally funding state research universities. There are additional regulations of the financial sector. There are higher taxes on returns to capital investments, on high-earning individuals and on corporations that do business internationally.
Kudos to the Progressives for stealing the supply side theme, and agenda: across-the-board growth. This propelled the GOP to repeated victories. Now it seems orphaned, a theme rather than an agenda. More kudos to Progressives for pushing "shared" prosperity and for taking seriously the big issue on the voters' minds: stagnant median family income.
But there's a weird lacuna inside the left, as nicely demonstrated by Sen. Warren, as reported by Mother Jones:
It was supply side.
The Reagan Revolution was founded on Rep. Jack Kemp's advocacy of "the Mundell-Laffer Hypothesis" (as it was dubbed by journalist Jude Wanniski). It called for cutting marginal tax rates across-the-board plus stabilizing the dollar. Wanniski:
Obviously, the profession has been experiencing an intellectual crisis. Over a six-year period, the pragmatic Republicanism of Richard Nixon shot into the twitching patient every antibody the economic doctors of Cambridge and Chicago prepared. And always the vital signs declined. Money was tightened and money was eased. Mr. Nixon became a Keynesian and a "full-employment budget" was installed. Deficits were run on purpose and deficits were run by accident. The Phillips curve, a wondrous device by which politicians supposedly could balance unemployment and inflation along a finely calibrated line, was enshrined in the textbooks. The dollar was devalued and the gold window closed. The Japanese and Germans were reviled as being stubborn, and worse, efficient. The dollar was devalued again, then floated. Wages and prices were controlled through varied stages of stringency, and a jawbone was brandished. At the end of all these exertions, many are beginning to wonder whether the patient was sicker than had been thought or whether the medicine has been making him sicker than he was.
President Clinton, under pressure from Speaker Gingrich, kept in place the core of Reagan's policies of much-reduced marginal tax rates and high integrity monetary policy, and embellishing his growth agenda further with a capital gains tax cut and welfare reform, presided over a vibrant economy and a budget surplus.
Reagan plus Clinton saw the creation of around 39 million new jobs.
The collapse in job creation — and shared prosperity — came afterward. It came with the decay of the "invisible" half of the very effective policy mix: monetary policy, Reagan's and Clinton's "secret sauce." The Stiglitz manifesto barely touches on monetary policy. Its Thesis 18: "Reform monetary policy to give higher priority to full employment" does not tip its hand as to how to get there. (One can hardly help but infer, though, a prescription for "easy money.")
Lincoln was right. You can fool some of the people all of the time but you really cannot fool all of the people all of the time. The UK's Progressives just came a cropper with an aggressive Progressive agenda. Angela Merkel maintains a reasonably solid centrist economic policy agenda and is rewarded by respectable economic growth and towering popular approval ratings (notwithstanding consistently harebrained beratings from dogmatic maniacs like Paul Krugman).
Notwithstanding my authentic kudos for the left's focus on growth and shared prosperity, airbrushing history to fit doctrine is a poor way to shape policy. The Progressive agenda feels like a "Back to the Future" roadmap to the "economic nightmare" of the 1970s. The agenda the left is foisting on their future nominee is likely to give the Republicans the ability to walk into the White House even if the GOP policy formula for shared prosperity proves underpowered. Pity.
Hey GOP! Want to trump the ill founded Progressive promises for shared prosperity and deliver the real thing?
Remember the Mundell-Laffer Hypothesis. Remember supply side economics.
Ralph Benko is senior advisor, economics, to American Principles in Action's Gold Standard 2012 Initiative, and a contributor to he ARRA News Service. Founder of The Prosperity Caucus, he was a member of the Jack Kemp supply-side team, served in an unrelated area as a deputy general counsel in the Reagan White House. The article which first appeared in Forbes was submitted for reprint by the author.

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