
Friday, June 24, 2016

Read list of Uhuru's 32 new appointments to state corporation boards

President Uhuru Kenyatta on Friday effected various changes in the composition of 28 State Corporations; appointing 23 people to serve as Chairperson's of various Management Boards.

Uhuru also nominated former CS Kazungu Kambi to National Government Constituency Development Fund, subject to Parliamentary Vetting and Approval.

These appointments and nominations, (partly carried in today's Kenya Gazette (Vol. CXVIII –No. 70 of 24th June, 2016) the President hopes, will strengthen service delivery various institutions.

"The appointments and nominations display the Government's commitment to promoting youth, diversity and injecting fresh blood into Government. The youngest person appointed is thirty two (32) years old Deborah Bubi, a partner at Hamilton Harrison and Mathews, who has been appointed as Chairperson of the Youth Advisory Board," State House said in a statement.

The new appointees are

1. Philip Nzamba Kitonga, Chairperson, Council for Legal Education

2. Ronald Osumba, Chairperson, Youth Enterprise Development Fund

3. Dr. Francis Kipkurui Sang, Chairperson Betting Control & Licensing Board

4. Raphael Tuju, Chairperson, Lake Basin Development Authority (LBDA)

5. Prof. Michael Bowen, Chairperson, Industrial Development Bank

6. Maj. Gen. (Rtd) Julius Waweru Karangi, Chairperson, Kenya Airports Authority

7. Deborah Bubi, Chairperson, Youth Advisory Board

8. Ramadhan Seif Kajembe, Chairperson, Kenya Ferry Services

9. Dr. Rashid A. Aman, Chairperson, Kenya National Commission for UNESCO

10.Dr. David Wamamili Wanyonyi, Chairperson Kenya Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Eradication Council (KENTTEC)

11.Mwambu Muliro, Chairperson, Kenya Utalii College

12.Eng. Sammy Tangus, Chairperson, Kenya Yearbook Editorial

13.Dr. Wycliffe Omurwayi, Chairperson, Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Services

14.(Eng.) David Nduhiu Muthoga, Vice- Chairperson, Kenya Medical Training College

15.Angeline Yiamiton Siparo, Chairperson, National AIDS Control Council

16.Noah Katana Ngala, Chairperson, Kenya National Library Services

17.Wilfred Sang, Chairperson, Postal Corporation of Kenya

18.Patrick Osero, Chairperson, Tourism Finance Corporation

19.Bifwoli Wakoli, Chairperson, Agricultural Development Corporation

20.Prof. Michael Chege, Chairperson, NEPAD

21.Jenifer Shamalla, Council Member, NEPAD

22.Micheal Muia Kisilu, Council Member, NEPAD

23.Lucy Yinda, Chairperson, Street Families Rehabilitation Trust

24.Dr. Paula Kahumbu, Chairperson, National Museums of Kenya

25.John Mututho, Chairperson, Transport Licensing Appeals Board

26.Alice May Kirenge, Board Member, LAPSSET Corridor Development Authority

27.Fauziya B. Karama, Board Member LAPSSET Corridor Development Authority

28.James Wachira Board Member LAPSSET Corridor Development Authority

29.Ali Dida Abkula Board Member LAPSSET Corridor Development Authority

30.Mark Dunford Board Member, The Kenya Utalii College

31.Charity Selina Kisotu, Chairperson Insurance Tribunal

32. Kazungu Kambi Chairperson, National Government Constituency Development Fund(Subject to parliamentary approval)


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