
Sunday, June 19, 2016

Parting ways

We shall part ways properly today,
We shall move on soberly I pray.
If I see you with a man looking tender,
I won't tell him that you're just a pretender.
I will chuckle with a sarcastic smile
Without wrinkling my face with a bile.
I won't open my mouth like a parrot.
Then walk around and say you're a harlot,

We shall part ways properly today,
We shall move on soberly I pray.
I know I will feel like cursing
When I see you with the man you called cousin.
But if you find me in a bar spot  drinking,
And then ask me "what are you thinking?"
I will throw my hands and tell you "nonsense,
I am busy celebrating your absence"

We shall part ways properly today,
We shall move on soberly I pray.
And no one will call me honey,
When their true intention is money.
If you hear that I've found myself a woman,
Don't hunger to poison her with rumours.
She will click her tongue and call you a warthog,
Then stub you at the center of your buttocks


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