
Saturday, June 18, 2016

Kissing and telling by Ordinary Mind

I will tell my friends how you farted in the middle of a doggy style,
How your thighs are decorated with ugly stretchmarks,
How you snore like a train,
I will tell them you do not even know  how to switch on a gas cooker!

I will let everyone know that you are just a bag of air,
That inside that mini skirt is a dirty bloomer full of lice,
That between those two "sexy" legs is a bearded well with lethargic smell,
That inside those brains is a tank full of water,
That you live a lie,
I will expose the real you!

I will narrate to them how shallow and primitive you are,
That you were just acting all classy when we met at the bar,
That you were really struggling to speak British English through your nose,
I will tell them how you screamed in DhoLuo when you ejaculated and fainted on my bed!

I will tell them how you gambled with a kiss till you "ate" my lips,
How you fell inside the bath tab and broke your nose,
That you thought it was a swimming pool for cats!
That you think Kigali is the capital city of Burundi.


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