
Wednesday, July 22, 2020

“Never Give In”

"Then out spake brave Horatius
The Captain of the Gate
To every man upon this earth
Death cometh soon or 'late
And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers
And the temples of his Gods"

Babbington McCaulley
Circa 1832
by E.P. Unum: In case you have been travelling the interplanetary system and have been incommunicado over the last five months, our nation is not just on edge. Our nation is in full panic mode over this COVID-19 virus.

We are watching firsthand governors of some states enacting ridiculous and unconstitutional executive orders rooted not in science but in the language of despots and tyrants. Consider the following:

1. People, citizens are being arrested and fined for going to Church! Pastors and Preachers arrested for giving sermons. How has this helped stem the tide of the Coronavirus? Whatever happened to Freedom of Religion?

2. Whatever happened to our basic civil liberties inherent in our Constitution and Bill of Rights? Why have they been suspended? From whence did the authority to do this come?

3. Police are literally dragging people off public transportation and arresting grandparents for walking in public parks with their four and five-year-old grandchildren.

4. You can be fined and jailed for violating "social distancing guidelines"

5. Today you can go to the beach, but you cannot lay in the sun on a towel; you must walk on the beach! Did some of our governors forget that human beings require sunlight, and why is it not safe to lay on the beach?

6. Forgive me but I cannot understand how releasing convicted violent criminals…rapists, gang-bangers, murderers and thieves from prisons for fear they might contract COVID-19 and then, enact executive orders to fine and jail law abiding citizens for opening their businesses so they can put food on the table and pay their bills. How is this helping with the Coronavirus? How it is in the best interests of the community? Are hardened criminals suddenly going to stop committing crimes because they were freed from prison.

7. How is spending millions of dollars on illegal aliens before helping American citizens and homeless veterans justified? How is it even right?

8. One governor announced that "Boating is OK, but you can only have two people to a boat" Three or more and you are in violation of the law. What law? Where?

9. Abortion Clinics specializing in the killing of infants are considered "essential businesses" but restaurants, hardware stores and gyms are not. Fascinating isn't it?

Many years ago, Saul Alinsky, a communist living in Chicago, and a favorite of Hillary Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama and John Brennan wrote: "A revolutionary organizer must shake up the prevailing patterns of people's lives….agitate, create disenchantment and discontent with current values and mores…to produce, if not a passion for change, at least a passive affirmative non challenging climate for it."

In other more simplistic terms, pit good against evil, with a clear path leaning towards evil. If you think about it, this is precisely what has been happening in our nation over the last decade, intensified when Trump won the Presidency in 2016. That wasn't supposed to happen. It upset the applecart. The Great Alinsky Plan was in danger and something had to be done. Enter the fake Russia investigations, the Ukraine investigations, the vile and despicable attempt to discredit now Justice Kavanaugh with disgusting falsehoods and lies, the unlawful investigations of General Michael Flynn, the not so subtle pushing aside of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the Sham Failed Impeachment of President Trump that was really a failed bloodless Coups d'etat, the overthrow of our elected government. In other words, treason.

And now we have the shutting down of our nation over the Coronavirus. I am well within the mark when I say that these are all intentional plans to seize control of our government by democrats and liberal/socialists whose ultimate aim is to force the US into the New World Order.

If they succeed, it will mean the destruction of our nation and the last bastion of freedom in the world. November 2020 is a pivotal time for America.

We must let our voices and our votes be heard. We cannot and must not countenance democrats regaining power. And above all we must remember what democrats like Nancy Pelosi, Gerry Nadler, Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders have tried to do to our nation and how they failed to step up and act in the interests of the citizens they represent!

Do I believe the COVID-19 is a real issue? Of course, I do. But it is not the crisis we have been led to believe. It is a serious virus, but it has a 99% recovery rate and that is a fact. And we have the tools to deal with it.

You do not shut down a nation as a response to such a "threat". My strong belief is that COVID-19 is nothing more than a tool to push our nation towards the concept espoused by miscreants like Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton, Jim Comey, Eric Holder and many others of a New World Order, a new un-constitutional kingdom ruled by them.

Sir Winston Churchill often used the poem translated by Babbington McCaulley and cited above to inspire his nation in the dark days of World War II when Britain was under assault by the Nazis. He succeeded. I use it in this piece as a reminder to "Never Give in" but in this case the message is do not sacrifice our freedom and our nation at the altar of convenience or false security.

I implore you….do not let it happen.
E.P. Unum is US! H/T McIntosh Enterprises - July 13, 2020.

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