
Thursday, June 18, 2020

Racism Is Not Merely White & Is Driven By Dem Socialism

Patrick L. Booth
by Patrick L. Booth, Contributing Author: The sixties and all that affected our nation was the background for my high school days. I was not raised in the South but attended schools in Texas, Spain, and California prior to High School in AR. I had relatives who were devout Christians and as good a people as I've ever been around. Still, some of those relatives (and some of their dear friends) were as averse to blacks holding them in lower esteem than any other group of people I have ever dealt with. (Including the then Governor of AR for whom I was an aide for a season.) However, they still worked together harmoniously and I never saw anyone mistreated.

Some of my classmates and school chums were amazingly prejudiced and bigoted. Yet, some were so excessively liberal they were unable to comprehend their own reverse discrimination nor a false preference for any color other than their own. Both attitudes are equally as bad in my eyes.

One friend in particular I'd spent a lot of time with and whom I tried desperately to convert to Christianity, while a passenger in my car, actually tried to force me to injure a black person on the side of the road by grabbing my wheel and jerking it so the car pointed toward the pedestrian. I was appalled and angered beyond measure. The action earned him a backhand smack in the face, a bloody nose and black eye yet he merely laughed about it. He never seemed to understand my anger nor why I began avoiding his company, I just cannot understand why he would wittingly injure another person regardless of color or gender nor put me into such a situation wherein I would take the blame. In later years as I studied psychology and sociology, I realized he fit the classic description of sociopath, lacking empathy with normal people yet able to be utterly charming and highly functional.

Through the years that I knew him, he often took advantage of people and during my college years, I'd finally had enough and gave him a thorough thrashing which pretty much ended any relationship we had. He never mentioned it. I knew his mother pretty well and doubt she raised him with such attitudes. I missed his funeral because I was in transit to Texas for a complete change of lifestyles, schools, intended future, etc. These days, I still think of him occasionally and wonder at the way he treated others including his bigotry against blacks. Where did it come from? How could anyone as personable, sweet and charming one minute be so self-absorbed, ignorant of the feelings of others, and perfectly willing to use or take advantage of his friends and relatives.

He was not the only person I've known with such traits. In fact, certain important historical figures, current and past political groups and their followers exhibit exactly those same self-absorbed, pathological, unethical, immoral, lack of respect for social norms, consistently breaking laws and ignoring social boundaries, using lies, deceiving, using false identities, refusing ethical personal or professional responsibilities, and feeling no guilt nor remorse for having harmed or mistreated others.


Highly visible are today's communist leaders all of whom have shown their antipathy to humanity and a commitment to power alone as their goals. Today's Democrat party leadership exhibits just those same traits and has for many years with constant lies, using false or changing identities to hide party and individual pasts, efforts to hide or change history to suit their particular interests, socialistic laws and a complete lack of respect for law and order, the Constitution, human frailties, manipulation of monies, media, and the body of congress to thwart truth and their opponents' efforts. There is simply no honesty, decency, morality, integrity, truth, nor patriotism within any of the democrat party which insists one must worship at the feet of organized murder (Planned Parenthood which exist to murder infants in their mothers' wombs) and socialism having become our new Communist party masquerading as American Democrats.

No doubt the Civil War had a great influence that filters down into today's attitudes toward races (I hold there is but one race, human, and all the differences are merely color, the least important thing about any person.) I have observed prejudice and bigotry emanating from blacks, whites, browns, and yellow people toward others who were not of the same color (or gender or even merely experience and education.) I have generally kept my mouth shut but seeing my nation failing and falling further into socialism and debt, I no longer can.

As a federal employee, I watched laws broken and people being treated differentially not because of abilities, education, nor experience but merely because of skin color, gender, and age, both good and bad. Too often official actions caused frictions because they were not equitable nor evenly applied but always took color and gender into account before anything else. I was told that was the law and that it was the way things must be done. Actually, I have read those laws supposedly governing those circumstances and firmly believe they were applied corruptly at almost every occasion. Affirmative action never intended to elevate the inept nor ignorant over experienced nor educated but Political Correctness has required that of Federal Managers or they faced firing.

Today the new communist party which is masquerading as democrats and their compliant media are driving racism and bigotry for reasons they try very hard to hide. One does not have to listen to dems very long to understand their purposes are chaos and a revolution to make America into another 3rd world country that only the commie dems control. Sure, they say they are trying help minorities and want to give them money, aid, and leisure but it always comes in forms of control by dem communists.

Trillions spent on minorities have had little useful effect. Since President Johnson's "Great Society", we have managed to destroy black families, the single best source of values and respect for others, to such an extent fully 70% or more of all blacks are born into single mother families and 60%+ of all abortions are on black women (which only constitute some 9% of all US women) murdering millions of black babies in their mothers' wombs. I call this the BLACK HOLOCAUST. Monies intended for helping disadvantaged have been wasted and filled the pockets of liberal leftist politicians nationwide leaving education and housing for the poor to deteriorate even further.

More than 7000 black men were murdered in 2019, most by other black men. Black women outnumber men because they are killing one another in the inner cities. Our media and our official governments celebrate single motherhood as some sort of achievement and denigrate people who are willing to say, "the intact family is important and should be supported." There are a few conservative black commentators and leaders who see the problems but they're voices are drowned by the flood of PC lies and taunts of UNCLE TOM.

The BLM and ANTIFA movements are criminal. Violent and destructive, therefore criminal, but our big city leaders, almost all of whom are dem communists (whether or not they admit it) aren't condemning the violence but are supporting it and making it easier for the lawlessness to continue and expand. ONLY when they are roundly excoriated publicly by popular political opponents are they willing to even say they oppose criminality yet they have released back into the general population thousands of criminals from the prison systems.

Dem criminally minded pols are even excusing emptying prisons of criminals while defunding Police Departments. Factually, criminality ignored denotes criminal intent by pols. They expect criminals released to vote for them in the next elections, even if they are felons therefore ineligible to vote but illegal votes are normal and expected of democrats everywhere.

Now, the criminal organizations, aided and abetted by the MSM which is owned, run by, and part of the new communist movement we laughingly refer to as democrats, want to end police departments, defund policing, and allow the gangs to simply take over the cities sowing chaos everywhere. Law and Order through good policing exists to protect people and property but the new communist party is capitulating to the lawlessness of ANTIFA/BLM who rightfully fear the Police.

This is part of the plans of the new communist organization and its money supporters, the Chinese Communist Government (which funds several demass politicians such as Itty Bitty Biden and family) and many elements of opposing governments worldwide. The dems cried about Russian involvement until it was proved to be false but have not said a word about their own CHICOM support. The dems wish to open our borders entirely and import people indiscriminately, even illegal aliens and give them the vote so they can gain total control of the USA.

Lawlessness reigns in Mexico just across our borders and drugs flow almost uninhibited which also kills many thousands of Americans each year. We have elected politicians in Congress and our states' assemblies who openly voice hatred for America and our values. People like AOC, Rashida Tlaib, Clay Lacy, Amy Bera, Barbara Lee, Nancy Pelosi, Salud Carbajal, Judy Chu, Raul Ruiz, Maxine Waters, Joe Courtney, Joe Lewis, Rosa Delauro, Jim Himes, Kathy Castor, Tulsi Gabbard, Jesus Garcia, Bobby Rush, Danny Davis, Dae Loebsack, John Yarmuth, Jim McGovern, Andy Levin, Betty McCollum, Bennie Thompson, Greg Meeks, Nydia Valasquez, Yvette Clark, Jerry Nadler, Ilhan Omar, Joe Serrano, Steve Cohen, Sylvia Garcia, Eddie Johnson, Lloyd Doggett, Eleanor Holmes-Norton and others I am sure I missed all have regular ties with world class communists in Cuba, China, or Venezuela. It is easy to find their affiliations on the web as all listed have direct ties with communist organizations here and abroad.

Where did those things come from? Why are ordinary American's allowing these things to happen and how can we fight and correct this contagion, not covid but bigotry and hatred of good vs. evil?

I don't tell people how to run their own lives but I can and do regularly suggest, provide examples, and condemn sick minds and behaviors preferring Christian conservative and patriotic actions over violence, lies, and attempts at control of entire blocks of people via monetary means and rhetoric. Political correctness by democrats is a form of mental illness and destructive of society and our nation. Weak, ineffective, and cowardly missing actions and remarks by our other major party, the GOP and its RINOs, is not quite as bad but is certainly not helping anyone.

Only some of our religious leadership is willing to speak up (as many so-called church leaders have become "progressives" as well, a "Nicer" term for socialism) but, fortunately, a few people of color and conscience, are finally speaking up and condemning the violence and outright lies of the leftists. People of good conscience cannot vote democrat and still claim to be Christians or conservative. To vote democrat is to openly lie about one's actual conscience and spirituality as Communism and its progenitor, socialism, are entirely without morality, decency, patriotism, and honesty worshipping only power.

Our nation cannot continue down the current path of ever worse criminal and sinful behaviors by the citizens, especially our elected leadership and politicians. We must rid ourselves of such evil influences and pray for nationwide conversion, a return to morality and honest patriotism. I hope and pray for people of good conscience and moral upbringing to gain control once again while exposing the evil and liars for who and what they are, the enemies and threat of destruction of our nation and all Western Civilization.
Patrick L. Booth is a contributor to the ARRA News Service. He is a constitutional conservative blogger at The View from Blue Eye.

Tags: PL Booth, The Blue Eye View, Racism, Not Merely White, Dem Socialism To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!

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