
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

It's Going Down, Antifa. Uncle Sam Just Started Delivering Payback for Terror Riots

by Victoria Taft: The Department of Justice has filed what looks to be the first tranche of charges against violent antifa protesters from coast to coast following weeks of rioting in the wake of the killing of George Floyd by police. As antifa itself would say, "It's going down."
More than 50 people have been indicted on various charges in La Mesa, Calif., Minneapolis, Austin, Dallas, Baton Rouge, Philly, St. Paul, and Tacoma.
Conspicuously absent in this wave of indictments is anyone from Portland, Ore., arguably the area most seeded with members of the group designated as domestic terrorists by the Trump administration. Rioters there attacked the Justice Center. They were back Saturday night to finish the job.
No one from Seattle's black bloc-outfitted terrorists or the Republic of CHAZ was named in these indictments, either.
... Read More.
Victoria Taft is an award-winning broadcast journalist, writer and radio talk host, heard on the West Coast and seen nationally on the One America News Network's "The Daily Ledger" as the "Crazy California" contributor. H/T PJ Media.

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