
Saturday, June 13, 2020

It's For Your Safety

by Mario Murillo Ministries: The Nazis had a phrase which they used in order to cover all abuses by the state: "Für ihre sicherheit." Meaning, what we do is "for your safety." As I was walking recently through a home improvement store with my wife, I heard this recorded message blaring through their P.A system, "We are doing all we can to ensure your safety."

Before I go any further, I want to give you a revelation about Christians in America. We are similar to the Jews who went into captivity in Babylon. Jeremiah the prophet instructed the Jews, "And seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be carried away captive, and pray to the Lord for it; for in its peace you will have peace" (Jeremiah 29:7). I believe God is giving Christians that same mandate in this hour, in regard to America.

Some will disagree with my comparing America to Babylon, because they believe America is a Christian nation. To a degree they are correct, but no nation can be fully Christian because Jesus told us, "My kingdom is not of this earth" (John 18:36).

The best that can be said is that any nation which is sympathetic to the teachings of Jesus and honors the church will be blessed with freedom. If America removes the welcome mat for Christianity, she will not survive.

Just as the Jews were a blessing to a nation that held them captive, we are to be a special blessing to America on the eve of her destruction. God has chosen the American church to play a heroic role in our nation's most desperate hour.

To do so we must put away all self-righteous smugness. We must ignore the voices that are telling us this is not our fight. In nation after nation, Christians have had the opportunity to extend their faith beyond their church buildings: in soul winning, healing, and in justice. That last virtue is the call of this hour.
The pandemic offered the perfect storm for Democrat Governors to unleash their despotism. They sent preachers to jail who had not broken any laws. They terrified innocent barbers and hairdressers by seizing their licenses, their livelihoods, and then invading their homes. In one particular case, they interrogated the 6-year-old child of a hairdresser, without her permission. Storm troopers—for that is precisely what they are—crashed into churches, and homes, arresting people who honestly did not understand the vague, ambiguous, and ever-changing stay-at-home orders.

What is even more horrifying than these illegal acts of search and seizure, is the sheep-like reaction of so many Americans. Indeed, like trained seals, we have barked when they said, "Bark!" and rolled over on command because they offered us a shiny fish, called 'safety.' There is a vast difference between being safe, and being secure.

Where is the outrage over blue-state Governors like Gavin Newsom (CA), Gretchen Whitmer (MI), and Ralph Northam (VA)? They have become arrogant, cruel, and criminal. They claim their actions are based on science, and they are, but the problem is that it is political science.

They have scared millions into frittering away their rights. What began as fear of a sickness, has mutated into a paralyzing fear of the state. That is why they can ignore the Constitution, and kill people through despair and addiction. This is no mission to save lives, it is a bloodless coup to take over a nation.
Am I going too far by accusing them of killing people? They are killing people by keeping them imprisoned in their homes, euthanizing their small businesses, and driving them to addiction and suicide. Doctors, not preachers, are the ones who are protesting the spike in suicide, which can be directly tied to people who have been trapped in their homes.

Where is the outrage? Where are the voices of reason? But most of all, where is the church?
I repeat! We must put away our self-righteous smugness. We must ignore the voices that tell us this is not our fight. Not only is it our fight—I believe we 'have come to the kingdom for such a time as this' (Esther 4:14).

Only the church has the special power required for this dark night of our national soul. Only churches can demonstrate the light, the power of prayer, and the authority that will pull the bloody talons of Satan off of the throat of America.
If you value soul winning—if you value open worship and citywide outreach—if you love this free nation of ours, then you must join with us as we march shoulder to shoulder to banish this curse, this attempted power grab, from our land.

What they are doing is not 'for your safety,' it is only for their control.
Mario Murillo is an evangelist Mario Murillo, minister, blogger.

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