I am black, and I assure you that I will not be voting for Joe Biden this fall. Biden represents the race-baiting politicians of the past who seek to frighten and bully racial and ethnic minorities using symbolism, tokenism, and racial tropes. Take away the fear tactics, and there might be a mass exodus of blacks from the Democratic Party. Biden's racist remarks are sickening, and it's an old story with Democrats. We've come to expect the same tired mantra that race-baiting Democrats use every year – that blacks "belong" to them.
Not only am I voting for Donald J. Trump, I am also doing everything in my power to get him reelected as the last hope for American society. Otherwise, Democrats will use the coronavirus to turn off the lights to our nation and strip us of our civil rights and liberties that remain. It is disgusting to watch Democrats such as Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer put progressive politics above the good of our nation, and that includes above the good of American minorities as well. Believe it.
Let the record reflect that I was born and raised in rural southern poverty. By the grace of God, doors opened that allowed me to become a tenured university professor at two top-tier universities: Princeton and Vanderbilt. I believe in America and the American Dream. The values and principles that guide you to success will never be told or shared if blacks wait on liberal Democrats to tell them the truth about what it takes to make it in America.
Playing the race card is as natural as breathing for Joe Biden. During the 2020 presidential campaign, Biden has told reporters, "White folks are the reason we have institutionalized racism. There has always been racism in America. White supremacists have always existed, they still exist." In saying this, Biden, like a parrot, was simply repeating the familiar refrain of the progressive left that has taken over the Democratic Party. According to them, racism is institutional and is the root of white supremacy. This man, Biden, can not think for himself, and every time he opens his mouth he digs his hole a little bit deeper.
Before the election of Donald Trump, the term "white supremacist" referred to people who felt that having white skin made them superior to other racial and ethnic groups. "White nationalism" was the belief that whites should constitute a dominant and separate group able to determine its own future. After Trump's unexpected election, the labels changed meaning. The terms "white supremacist" and "white nationalist" are now applied to any white person who voted for Donald Trump or who refused to embrace the mantra that all whites are oppressors, and that racial minorities — regardless their social and economic attainments – are victims.
If America is ever to thrive again, we must reject the racism of the progressive left and treat racial and ethnic minorities as equals. That means sharing with minorities the secrets for success and educating them about the Democratic Party's genocidal agenda toward minority communities. Also, the current COVID-19 pandemic has produced yet another type of racial oppression directed at minority communities through the aggressive use of contact tracers and police power, all done in the name of safety.
Dr. Carol M. Swain is a former tenured professor at Vanderbilt and Princeton universities. Her Be The People News blog and podcast empower individuals to think independently, understand their responsibilities, and make a difference in the world. HT The Tennessee Star.
Tags: Americans, Should Reject, Joe Biden's, Race-Baiting Tactics, Black voters, Carol Swain, Joe Biden To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!
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