
Friday, February 7, 2020

The Transpartisan Review: "Coming Attractions: Godzilla vs. King Kong, Trump vs. The Left's Leviathan"

by Ralph Benko, Contributing Author: I conclude that Donald Trump, although a Hobbesian figure, is indeed an existential threat but to the left wing enemies of our classical liberal republican order rather than to the order itself.

Hollywood is remaking King Kong vs Godzilla. It's scheduled for release soon after election day. Per the studios' breathless teaser:In a time when monsters walk the Earth, humanity's fight for its future sets Godzilla and Kong on a collision course that will see the two most powerful forces of nature on the planet collide in a spectacular battle for the ages.Could there be a better metaphor for Politics 2020?

There's a rich antecedent to Godzilla. The Bible names the Sea Monster Leviathan.

There's a political history as well. Thomas Hobbes gave us Leviathan.

We also find Leviathan rhapsodized at the heart of Herman Melville's Moby Dick, the great American novel. Melville:Here Saturn's grey chaos rolls over me, and I obtain dim, shuddering glimpses into those Polar eternities; when wedged bastions of ice pressed hard upon what are now the Tropics; and in all the 25,000 miles of this world's circumference, not an inhabitable hand's breadth of land was visible. Then the whole world was the whale's; and, king of creation, he left his wake along the present lines of the Andes and the Himmalehs. Who can show a pedigree like Leviathan?Leviathan.

Breathless then.
Breathless now.

Our politicos and pundits now set their phasers to "kill" rather than "stun." Why? Because the stakes are high.

Yet our pundits are failing to convincingly elucidate why.

Let's help them out.
Ralph Benko is Chairman, The Capitalist League and contributor to the ARRA News Service.

Tags: Ralph Benko, The Capitalist League, The Transpartisan Review, Coming Attractions, Godzilla vs. King Kong, Trump vs. The Left's Leviathan To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!

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