
Monday, February 17, 2020

Our Freedom Is In Our Hands

by John Porter, Contributing Author: All who love Freedom please hear me. Human life is one long struggle for Freedom. People struggle individually for Freedom from different personal things in their lives. You have your personal struggles and I have mine. But there is a Freedom that is paramount in importance to our personal ones.

It is the one Freedom which binds us all together. It is Freedom from the bondage of another individual or the bondage of a big overbearing Socialist government, meaning living the way you desire to live and the Freedom to pursue that desire, without causing harm to another or their property, the freedom to use the earnings from your labor as you see fit. If we find ourselves without these Freedoms, none other matters. Death would be better than suffering the consequences of the loss of this Liberty.

I think it good to be reminded, the citizens of the thirteen American Colonies were delivered from the human bondage of an overbearing King and his government with our long and bloody fight for independence from England. Citizens of the United States were delivered from human bondage of other citizens with our long and bloody Civil War. My writings on this subject are efforts on my part to hopefully help Americans see that we for many years have been allowing ourselves to again fall into bondage to a large, all powerful and overbearing Federal Government by continuing to elect (hire) people to serve us in Washington who believe it should be just that. More were elected to congress in November, 2018.

We finally elected a president in Donald Trump, who is trying his hardest to reverse that direction in which we have been traveling. A local Dr. friend emailed me his thoughts on President Trump which, with his permission, I must share with you here:"I see Trump (who I do not identify with, nor even like personally) as the answer to the needs of America. I liken him to Jonah, who was forced to obey his call to serve God and go to his assignment in Ninniva. He has the tools and ideals of a true American. Thanks be to God for sending us a prophet to speak to the evil government which had developed before him, and grant him wisdom and strength to pull this evil-filled populace with Your spirit and Love. Please restore us to the nation we were designed to be and replace evil with good."We must take care!! Our Freedom is in our hands. We are the caretakers of it, not only for ourselves, the living, but for those yet to be born generations who will follow. If the burning desire for it is not in our hearts we will surely lose it.

In 1944, Judge Learned Hand said, "Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; if it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can save it." Why do I write so much about Individual Freedom, you ask? I am doing the very best I can to rekindle the flame of Liberty in the hearts of those who may have lost it, and keep it alive in those whom yet it flickers.

I can not state strongly enough the essential, paramount importance of our support for President Trump in his battle to protect us from bondage. SOCIALISM is the greatest threat to our nation and freedoms today, and besides those in our government promoting it, it is unlawfully pouring over our southern border every day and night with all the evils which come with it.

I am convinced that the only thing keeping us from a full blown Socialist takeover of America, even with all his faults, is our current president. Believe me when I say President Donald Trump IS the wall in more ways than you may possibly realize.

Please forward as far and wide as possible and post on Facebook. America needs all of us now. "If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your government, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools." Plato.

John Porter is an Americans first, constitutional conservatives second. His allegiance is to the Constitution. He seeks to help save America from the grips of socialism and an all powerful, intrusive government, and from the evil of Islam. He is a contributing author to the ARRA News Service.

Tags: John Porter, Freedom In Our Hands, freedom, socialism To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!

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