
Friday, February 14, 2020

NY Law Enforcement Backs Trump Over Cuomo

. . . The tussle between New York and DHS leaves the governor scrambling for a deal.
by Nate Jackson: There is a growing phenomenon of "sanctuary" jurisdictions — cities, counties, and states that not only refuse to cooperate with federal authorities on immigration but actively undermine federal prerogatives on Rule of Law and protection of citizens. Fortunately, the Trump administration is fighting back, which our Arnold Ahlert covered in depth Monday. And a lot of law-enforcement officials stand with the administration.

First, a little background. Last year, New York passed a law allowing illegal aliens to obtain driver's licenses while becoming the only state to prohibit Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) from accessing state records on driver's licenses. As a result, CBP disallowed New York residents from participating in federal Trusted Traveler programs like Global Entry because background checks are required for approval.

New York sued DHS, laughably claiming, "Defendants' decision to ban all New York residents from enrolling or re-enrolling in the Trusted Traveler programs not only defies this Congressional mandate and disregards the recommendations of the bipartisan 9/11 Commission, but also profoundly jeopardizes public safety for New Yorkers and all travelers. Defendants have intentionally made us less safe."

The exact opposite is the truth.

Thus, reports The Washington Times, "The New York Association of Chiefs of Police is backing Homeland Security over its own state leaders." In a letter to acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf, association president Patrick Phelan wrote, "Our members fully recognize that sharing pertinent law enforcement information and vital resources across local, state and federal boundaries is critical to ensuring the safety of the communities we serve."

It's highly unusual for the association to oppose the governor. Public-safety grants are dependent upon allegiance to Democrat Andrew Cuomo. But apparently, police chiefs' higher allegiance is to the men and women in law enforcement who serve the state of New York and its citizens.

Meanwhile, Cuomo is set to meet President Donald Trump today to discuss a deal in which Cuomo gets to keep the law and dictate to DHS what access he'll allow. Don't bet on Trump taking that deal.
Nate Jackson is managing editor at The Patriot Post.

Tags: Nate Jackson, managing editor, The Patriot Post, NY Law Enforcement, Backs Trump, Over Cuomo To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!

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