
Thursday, February 20, 2020

Ilhan Omar's $250,000 Hush Money to Ex?

. . . More accusations of impropriety stack up against a member of the hard-left "Squad."
by Thomas Gallatin: The Daily Mail recently reported an update on the growing scandal surrounding hard-leftist squad member Ilhan Omar (D-MN). As we noted last August, Omar reportedly had an affair with her campaign consultant, Tim Mynett. At the time, she was already under scrutiny for tax fraud over allegations of a sham "marriage" to a man who was likely her brother. The FBI is looking into those allegations.

In this latest round of revelations is the claim that Omar's current husband, Ahmed Hirsi, learned of her affair with Mynett after he traveled to Washington, DC, and discovered the two lovers lounging around her apartment in pajamas. Following the discovery of the affair, the Mail reports that Omar engaged in a secret settlement to the tune of up to $250,000 with Hirsi, "but only if he did not speak publicly about the marriage breakdown."

The Mail's source claims that Omar's Somali community in Minnesota has become "embarrassed" by her affair as well as her support of "LGBT" rights and has lost faith in her. "It's almost as if she is deliberately trying to turn her Somali supporters against her," said the source. "She is as a figurehead for us, the most famous Somali in America, and she had embarrassed us. She is the face of the Somali community."

One thing's for certain, with all the allegations of fraud and impropriety flying around Omar, it wouldn't come as a major surprise if she lost her reelection bid or even wound up standing in a courtroom.
Thomas Gallatin is a Features Editor at The Patriot Post.

Tags: Thomas Gallatin, The Patriot Post, Ilhan Omar, $250,000 Hush Money, to Ex To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!

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