
Thursday, February 13, 2020

Human Rights, And The Human Fight, For Freedom

Ken Blackwell
by Steve Jordahl: A former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Commission says the never-ending battles for smaller government over big, individual liberty over tyranny, and capitalism over socialism, are all wrapped in one central struggle: Mankind wants to be free.

The United States is unique in history because of its form of government, says Ken Blackwell, and the reason is written into our Declaration of Independence.

"We are the most diverse, the most prosperous constitutional republic, in all of human history," he tells OneNewsNow. "It's because we actually believe that our human rights are not grants from government but gifts from God."

That is a reference to the Declaration affirming mankind's "inalienable rights," meaning rights from our Creator that cannot be surrendered or traded, and Blackwell says that wording changes the game because those rights are connected to God and secured by the U.S. Constitution.

"Anytime a people, a culture, a state wants to make government more powerful," Blackwell warns, "they do that at the expense of individual liberty."

Blackwell, 71, has enjoyed a varied career that ranged from Ohio's secretary of state to the ambassador post with the Human Rights Commission. He says the biggest struggle at the moment is the fight for religious freedom.

"And at the heart of individual liberty," he says, "is the freedom of conscience: the ability to practice one's faith in the public square, not just have that practice relegated to the four corners of the church."

According to Blackwell, it's impossible to discuss religious liberty without commenting about President Donald Trump and his administration, who are being credited – and criticized – for coming to the defense of Catholic nuns, faith-based adoption agencies, and denouncing religious persecution around the world.

"You have Donald Trump who wants to put a harness on government to optimize individual liberty," Blackwell observes, "and you have the progressives who want to grow government because they believe that government is the best arbiter of what is good for us."
Steve Jordahl writes for One News Now. Article shared by Ken Blackwell, Contributing Author with the ARRA News Service.

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