
Wednesday, February 12, 2020

75% Of Illegal Immigrants Skip Deportation Hearings, Hiding Out In US

Paul Bedard
by Paul Bedard: More than 7 out of 10 illegal immigrant families ordered to be deported have skipped their court dates and remain in the United States, according to federal statistics.

In just 10 courts, some 36,115 illegal immigrant families ordered out from September 2018 to January 2020 never complied with a requirement to attend their hearings and instead are hiding out in the country, according to a Justice Department report from the Executive Office for Immigration Review Adjudication Statistics.

The report, according to an analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies, found that during the period, 47,925 families were denied asylum and ordered deported, but 75% didn't attend their court hearings to get the order.

The statistics are the latest in a long string of reports that have detailed how illegal immigrants disappear into the U.S. once they enter.

"Their failure to appear suggests that they simply gamed loopholes in our immigration laws to gain entry into this country, to live and work indefinitely," said former Immigration Judge Andrew R. Arthur, writing for CIS.

"There is nothing wrong with people looking for a better life generally, of course, but the problem in these cases are that (1) they put themselves and their children in danger by entering illegally to begin with, (2) they gave money to criminals and cartels to be smuggled into the U.S., (3) they are swelling immigration court dockets with hearing dates they never attended and likely never planned to attend, and (4) they make it harder for legitimate asylum seekers to get protection in a timely manner, which would allow those aliens to start a new life free from fear and protect their family members still abroad. Oh, and illegal entry is a crime," he added.

The report said that as in the past, some 9 out of 10 immigrants seeking asylum into the U.S. were denied.

Over the 15-month period and 10 courts studied in the report, judges completed 52,646 cases resulting in deportations of 47,925 — a 91% removal rate.
Paul Bedard (@SecretsBedard) shares Washington Secrets on the Washington Examiner.

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