
Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Kevin Jackson At Horowitz?s Restoration Weekend

. . . The Left's absurd fantasies about "white privilege".

FrontPage Mag: Below are the video and transcript of remarks given by Kevin Jackson at the David Horowitz Freedom Center's 2018 Restoration Weekend. The event was held Nov. 15th-18th at the Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach, Florida.

Kevin Jackson
What's up white people, all you nationalists. I know it's not cool to recognize your whiteness, but it's okay. I'm black, and so are many of you if you check your ancestry. I'm not going to call out any of you, but I did some mingling at the cocktail party and some of you are indeed black. So hello my brothers and sisters. Happy to see all of you beautiful, unique, multi-colored, multi-faceted human beings, not a single one of you the same color, not a single one of you white, by the way, and for the sake of this presentation, I'm going to make you all honorary black people. Melissa, my bride here, will give you certificates of forgiveness in the back, and you can embrace your blackness. First, I want to pay tribute to some of the white people that made this possible, like David Horowitz. He's no Abe Lincoln, but I do like his plantation.

How about this hotel. Jeez, talk about white privilege, which I will. Many of you here are part of the anti-slavery party. That would be the Republican Party, the same Republican Party of today, just with less wavos rancheros, I'll keep it nice. 386,000 Republicans, your ancestors, died to free black people. 284,000 white Democrats died to keep black people in slavery. So put that little thought in your mind when you're talking to these radicals. Republicans set records in Congress that remain to this day. The Republican Party during Reconstruction elected over 66 black senators, and they brag about Barack Obama and Kamala Harris and Spartacus. So fast forward today, November 8, 2016, into the past, but what was our future while back when Trump saved the Republican Party. Nobody thought a man named Donald Trump would ever be present, and they conspired against him. I just want to remind you what they look like. Doesn't that just make you smile. Holly cow, look at them.

Where's the next ones, oh there they are. Don't you love that look. God. When I see pictures like that it reminds me of an old country song, Ain't Never Gone to Bed With an Ugly Woman, But I Sure Woke Up With a Few. Yep. Democrats schemed against Donald Trump with every trick in the book. In the past, Democrats intimidated blacks and Republications with the White League, the Red Shirts, ultimately the Ku Klux Klan, and after the election, Democrats use Antifa, Black Lives Matter and the biggest intimidation group of all: the media, to name just a few. And when they lose, these knuckleheads demand compromise as if they won. They challenged our choices for the Supreme Court, and recently for this acting Attorney General Whittaker. Their complaints are that people are just too conservative.

I don't know about you, but on November 8, 2016, I was delighted to slap the smug face off of those anti-Americans. Now on that day, I called it Emancipation 2, and this time even the white folks are freed. So if you're in this room, you are a trailblazer, and you come from a long line of trailblazers. Men, you are of the ilk of Booker T. Washington, the ilk of Frederick Douglas. Ladies, you hail from the likes of Maggie Walker, the first black woman to charter a bank, Sara Breedlove a/a Madam C. J. Walker who was the first female black millionaire. I'm sorry, Sojourer Truth who was an abolitionist and a women's rights activist.

Black Republican women were freeing women before Hillary Clinton or Gloria Steinem ever thought about burning a bra, and truth be told, all these leftist femi-nazis, all their contributions to society combined wouldn't fill a cup of Maggie Walker's bra, and why all these black women fought to humanize women in the eyes of the law, they weren't male-hating shrews hell-bent on an androgynous genderless society, a society where women look like lumberjacks and men look like Victoria Secret runway models. So when you see a real man, and there are many in this room, thank a conservative woman.

When it comes to these feminists, I paraphrase an old country song, She Got the Ring and America Got the Finger. And what about modern day black heroes, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Clarence Thomas, one of my idols. I got the pleasure of meeting him. Larry Elder, Mason Weaver, Star Parker, Allen West, I could go on. What about that Kevin Jackson? The countless others who have fought for decades to allow Americans the privilege of free thoughts. I can't tell you how it feels folks to be a free range negro. For a black person to be a Democrat is confusing to me as an 80‑year old with a belly button ring. It just makes no sense, and you see so many black people still voting Democrat, and I'll tell you, I get madder than a midget with a yoyo when I think about it.

So we live in a world of created victims. The Left speak of their good intentions, and they do nothing but create victims. If you're fat, blame the restaurant. If you're ugly, blame your plastic surgeon. If you're white, well blame your parents. I recently told a leftist, when it comes to thought you stop at nothing. Some of you will get that later.

Democrats intentionally make their black supporters stupid. That's the education system that they have weaponized against blacks. Democrats call it Affirmative Action when they allow blacks into college with substandard grades, so what happens when they find out they can't compete?

So I have a friend, he teaches at Princeton, but he went to Princeton, and his brother is a surgeon who worked for Ben Carson, and he shared a story with me. He says, Kevin, my brother went to Princeton and he says his first test in physics he flunked out, he flunked the test, and he could not recover. He was going to flunk the class because of the way the grading system worked. But he went to his professor and he says, professor, if I make A's on the next test and I ace the final, will you give me an A in this class? And the professor said sure. He's like you're not going to do it, young black guy in Princeton on Affirmative Action. You got no chance, but he says the thing I want you to do is you have work with me every time I come to you to tutor me and so on and so forth, so the professor agreed.

So what happened? He aced his next text, he aced the final, and he's a professor that teaches physics at Princeton. Now I'm going to tell you something. A story like that could not happen today, because somebody would have passed him along and he would eventually not learn physics and flunk out of Princeton. He would probably been working some menial job somewhere. So in the words of an old an old country song, I say to Democrats, I'm so Miserable Without You it's Like Having You Here.

Despite what Democrats tell black people, we can be anything we want to be, and my grandmother would say to me if you find yourself in horse poop, get up and look for the pony. The Left does not want blacks to know how powerful we are. Thus, the slave blood that pumps through our veins is not a malady but a source of strength. The blood that pumps through black veins proves that we can overcome anything. Black conservatives want to share this powerful feeling. That's why I say to Democrats, if you can't live without me, why haven't you killed yourselves yet? Oh what blacks could have been without Democrats meddling, trying to make us part of their social engineering experiments.

So I want to talk a little bit about diversity. I think that's my next slide because I was having a conversation with some people at dinner, and I wanted to prove to them what I said which is, they always talk about the browning of America. You folks are afraid of the browning of America. You're afraid there's too many black and brown people that are going to come here, so you need to be diversified, you bunch of white people. I wanted to give you some stats. That's the top 20 least diverse countries in the world. You see America on there? No, but you see a whole lot of African countries. Some of you guys might not know that because that's the motherland. You're officially black now.

You got to learn this. Alright, so that's 1 through 20. Here's 21 through 40, a bunch of other African countries. They got Indonesia in there, Soviet Union, but only through 1991, still bad for them though. Sudan, Kuwait. I want to show you guys the Soviet Union right there. Alright? Here's the next list. Finally, we got Canada down here right? And there's the United States, No. 85. So that's all this diversity they talk about and they guilt you into believing we're such a racist country. You're No. 85 in a list of 190 countries, so you're in practically the middle of this, nowhere near being racist, but do they ever ask Somalia when are you going to be bringing in a bunch of white folks? Or when are they going bring some Latinos over? Of course not.

I want to shift gears and move to white privilege for a bit because just like there is no such term as African-American, there is no such term as white privilege. Watch basketball, football, baseball, whatever sport, tell me what you see. You see a bunch of black multimillionaires whining, got a ham under each arm and begging for bread. To hear the Left though, now is it possible that black people can achieve in America? Well I have an answer for you. Hard work, just like everybody else. With all this white privilege going around, how did so many black people manage to get some? Is there a store for it? I was thinking about if there was a store for it, would black people have to steal it, and I can imagine Barack Obama going in there and some salesmen following him around, and he finally steals him some white privilege, and he goes out and says, "Take that Hillary, ha ha ha!" You get the same privilege in academics as you get in sports if you're willing to work hard for it. By figuring out what gifts the good Lord gives you, and you work your butt off.

So let me give you a couple things for white privilege. If you believe in it, then you must believe in the equal and opposite which is black under-privilege, and that is racist. So to believe in white privilege, when you see black people, do you automatically see a person that needs help? Is that the under-privilege? And if you don't see that, then you must question your belief in white privilege. If you believe in white privilege, how do you explain black privilege? If you believe in white privilege, when you see a successful black person, $20.00 for that call by the way. The only conclusion you can draw is that that black person is successful because of whites. So I ask white privilege believers, can blacks be successful without whites and if so, are these anecdotes, or are they anomalies?

The logic thread offers another query. If you believe in white privilege, how do you explain unsuccessful whites? Do they squander their privilege and if there is, is there a limit on it? Can white people re-up their privilege? I'm just giving you some food for thought here white people. If people believe in white privilege, then why don't they believe those who believe in it ever give it up? I got a long list of family members that are waiting in line to get some if you're ready to do it. Generally those who believe in white privilege go on to explain how much they help black folks, right? You know who they don't help? They don't help Will Smith's kids. Why is it you always want to help Umbuku from Africa or some little kid in the ghetto? Why won't you help Will Smith's kids? He's black. He obviously needs privilege too. Do you understand how stupid this concept is? It's ridiculous.

Anyway, I'm about out of time here and so I got to wrap up, but I want to say a couple things. 1) I'm going to show a trailer so I'm going to go a minute into this. I'm going to do what these white guys did and go longer. I will take advantage of my white privilege right now, and I'm not hesitant to pull the race card either if you mess with me. I want to talk about a movie that Melissa and I did. It's called Bleeding Blue.

Oh, this is the displacement numbers. This is the number of people displaced in the world. These are the updated statistics. Those are the top five countries. You see the United States on there? Is anybody running from this country? No. Those are the top five countries where they're running from. They have a lot in common and it isn't being a Democratic Republic. It isn't being a Judeo-Christian nation, just to give you a couple of hints.

Let me go onto my movie. Melissa and I did this movie because some people wanted us to bridge the gap between the black community and the police, so we made a spectacular film. It's not just good, it's spectacular. It's called Bleeding Blue. It debuted September 7 and I have a short trailer. It's about a minute.

America's trigger-happy policing is back to the fore after an 18‑year-old was shot. A suspect dying at the hands of police officers. Two police officers accused of beating to death a homeless man. Beaten and pepper sprayed, the officers used excessive force. The troublemakers carried pepper spray and guns and were wearing badges. We are not having an honest conversation around why this type of thing is occurring. Why does the media push these few incidents to make it look like it's happening all the time? They have created a narrative that is very destructive. Whiteness doesn't only show up as enslavement and lynching. I've always worked minority community areas, and I wondered: Why is everybody angry at me? I'm here to help. You can see the amount of damage being done just by putting information out before too much is known about it. The street situation is extremely volatile. It's dangerous. We know what we're up against. We know it could cost us our lives. We want safe neighborhoods for our kids and for ourselves. Somebody's got to be on the front line of defending that and that's the American police officer.

Thank you. In America today, an adherent racism occurs, and it's not a secret where people wear white sheets and disguise their identities. The racists are open, they're in your face. They openly discuss their disdain for white people, particularly men, for conservatives, for Christians, for Jews. Michelle Obama said recently that she didn't trust Barack Obama because too many white people fawned all over him. Now you tell me what first lady could get away with saying something like that except that ****? And I'm going to leave it there. If you have questions, love to talk to you in the lobby. Thank you very much.
Kevin Jackson is a highly sought national speaker, and he has graced the stage with luminaries as Sarah Palin, Neal Boortz, Herman Cain, Judge Napolitano, and Andrew Breitbart. He founded and contributes to The Black Sphere and The Kevin Jackson Show. Kevin is unapologetically American, Christian, Conservative and a proud Capitalist! He is also friend of the editor of the ARRA News Service editor. FrontPage Mag, a publication of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, shared Kevin's presentation.

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