
Monday, November 26, 2018

Gender Bill not for women only - MPs

The Two-Thirds Gender Bill should not be misconstrued as favouring only women, Nyanza MPs have said.

Kasipul MP Ong’ondo Were appealed to his female colleagues not to personalise the gender bill during discussions to avoid confusion that it only belongs to women.

Were instead argued the bill will help the country to resolve issues that have dogged equality for both genders in leadership.

“I appeal to women especially those in Parliament not turn the Two-Thirds Gender Bill a female affair. There’s now a thin line between the bill and women just because it has been personalised,” Were said.

He spoke during a fundraiser at Kabondo Kachieng’ SDA in his constituency on Saturday.

The MP said they will vote for the bill on grounds that it provides opportunity across the gender.

“The bill is not women’s but gender. I will support it because I know its importance besides being a constitutional requirement,” he said.

Were spoke after Homa Bay woman representative Gladys Wanga and Kabondo Kasipul MP Eve Obara urged their male counterparts to support the bill.

He warned against using the bill to punish male gender.

“The bill should not be used as an opportunity to put the boy child in danger,” Were said.

Wanga argued that women face many challenges when seeking elective positions.

“Women face difficulties when aspiring political leadership because some are told to return to places they were born but back home they are also told they belong to where they are married,” Wanga said.

Obara said the bill is significant for the country on grounds that it will provide equal growth for both genders.

“The bill will benefit both male and female gender should it get approved. Neither of the genders will lag behind in development,” Obara said.

Chief Justice David Maraga, ANC leader Musalia Mudavadi, MPs Adipo Okuome (Karachuonyo), Alfred Agoi (Sabatia), former MPs Pheobe Asiyo (Karachuonyo) and Philip Okundi (Rangwe) were present at the event.

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