
Tuesday, November 27, 2018

A Dangerous Situation Along The Border

by Mike Huckabee: Sunday afternoon, hundreds of migrants at the San Ysidro Port of Entry on the California/Mexico border tried to cut through the security fence and storm the border to enter America. They were also throwing "projectiles" (for the non-jargon-speaking audience, that means they were hurling rocks) at Border Patrol officers, who responded to the escalating violence with tear gas and rubber bullets to force them back. Note that they did not use lethal force, although President Trump said that he had given the go-ahead to allow it if it were necessary for self-defense.

Mexican police also helped contain the incident and stated that the 500 or so migrants who tried to violently and illegally storm the US border would be deported. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen also condemned those whose "dangerous actions" are "not consistent with peacefully seeking asylum, and said the US will not tolerate this "lawlessness" and will deal harshly with "anyone who destroys federal property, endangers our frontline operators, or violates our sovereignty."

But of course, those are words, and we live in a world in which many people base their world views on pictures they see in the media. So the left is using the photos of women and children fleeing from tear gas to bolster their narrative that Border Patrol agents are heartless storm troopers. They never seem to ask the obvious questions, such as:

Why are those children in that dangerous situation? Why would their parents encourage them to deliberately provoke armed border agents by trying to tear down a wall and aggressively invade another country in broad daylight? What would they have the officers do, just stand there and let their skulls be fractured with rocks while doing nothing? And of course, was this intended to provoke exactly this reaction, so they can use photos of kids being tear gassed as propaganda to influence people who get all their information from Facebook memes?

To state what shouldn't even be necessary to say: Nobody wants to see anyone tear gassed, least of all children. That should never have happened, but it's not the fault of the officers that they had to resort to non-lethal ways to defend themselves and protect our border from violent invaders who deliberately exposed their children to this risk. It's as irresponsible as a bank robber observing "Take Your Kids To Work Day."

This situation is actually very familiar to anyone who's been to Israel, as I have dozens of times. Palestinian protesters think nothing of pushing small children to the front of a crowd attacking Israeli soldiers at the security fence in hopes that the soldiers will harm a child while defending themselves, so they can use that to condemn the Israelis. The Israelis have had a lot of experience at this and are extremely careful to try to avoid harming children, but it shouldn't be up to them to protect those children. Their parents should protect them from ever being there in the first place.

Here's a report on what happened, along with many of those photos, You may find them heartbreaking and infuriating, which is perfectly appropriate. Just remember exactly what you should be infuriated about. If you need a visual clue, don't miss the photo of the large, sharp-edged rock in the hand of the man who is about to throw it.
Mike Huckabee was former governor of Arkansas and a signatory to the Right on Crime Statement of Principles. He is a popular commentator and entertainer. You can reach Governor Huckabee through

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