
Tuesday, August 28, 2018

White House tea? KOT takes a swipe at state officials for not taking notes

Kenyans on Twitter have taken a swipe at officials who went for a meeting at the White House without notebooks.

A picture that was sent from the White House showed the officials having tea but had no notebooks.

Only President Uhuru Kenyatta and Trade PS Chris Kiptoo seemed more interested in taking notes than having White House tea.

The US government officials not only had tea, they had notebooks too ready for the bilateral meeting between Uhuru and US President Donald Trump.

Read:[Statement] Transcripts of Uhuru,Trump bilateral talks in White House

Blogger Robert Alai said "Another bunch of top government officials look like they are on holiday. Complete lack of interest in taking notes. Only President and one PS interested in notes."

"If I didn't take notes while in university hapa ndo ntaanza�� mwakenya shall suffice," @RaswilliEms69 said.

@beatambutei said, "The only person who should not be having any writing material but some notes is our President."

"Shame on them. They never learn," @JoniwokaJoni said.

@MburuMburu5 said, "Ever heard of audiographic memories? Them gifted don't take notes."

"‏They're too excited to think about taking notes," @libwegeaganya said.

@CryptoAteku said, "Even the most clueless @realDonaldTrump is taking notes! Kenya delegation went to tour the White House! Shameless."

@arsen_morgan said, "Our delegation comprises of geniuses so no need to worry they will remember everything that was discussed. Sad."

"At some point, you come to realise taking notes isn't that important than listening and contributing. take notes only when necessary, listen more and pay attention," @kenyabtc said.

"Ju hakuna escort ya chai," @Raychelle777 said.

 @_ndungu_ said, "Notebooks are overrated though for a less than 15 minutes meeting which should have been held online anyway."

"I think tea is important for someone who has never gone to the White House. Please note there was no banquet after," @RENCHMA said.

@OChrispine asked, "Is it a Kenyan thing? Not carrying notebooks to important meetings."

"This is an embarrassment to say the least can the Head of State take notes while the rest are smilling like clowns. It shows disrespect. But those are our leaders," @DesyoqaFred said.

@MacOtani said, "Kenyan public servants must have great memories, they never carry notebooks to crucial meetings abroad."

 Uhuru Kenyatta and Trump have agreed to deepen cooperation on matters defence and security for efficient war against terror. 

Al Shabaab has in the past launched attacks in Kenya targeting civilians, in revenge for Kenya moving its troops into Somalia in 2011.

Read: Mandera al Shabaab attack victim speaks of horrific killings

Speaking during a joint conference, the two presidents pledged to build on the acquisition of military equipment made in the United States.

Trump committed to further enhance the Kenya Defence Forces' capability to fight the enemy.

More on this: KDF to acquire US equipment as Uhuru, Trump bolster war on terror

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