
Sunday, August 19, 2018

Uhuru, Ruto steer clear of Kofi Annan's mediation in Kenya as leaders mourn envoy

President Uhuru Kenyatta has prayed for strength and grace for the family of Kofi Annan, the former UN Secretary-General and Nobel Laureate who died early Saturday.

In a statement to newsrooms, Uhuru expressed "deep sorrow" and acknowledged Annan's role as the seventh UN Secretary-General for two terms from 1997 to 2006.

He did not mention the role the mediator played in helping Kenya find peace after the 2007/8 post-election violence.

The Ghanaian was key to the peace deal that was struck between President Mwai Kibaki and Opposition leader Raila Odinga. It ended violence that left at least 1,300 dead and more than 600,000 internally displaced.

 The case proceeded to the International Criminal Court where Uhuru and DP William Ruto faced charges of crimes against humanity. They were cleared later for lack of evidence and political interference.

Via Twitter, Ruto said: "The international community has lost an outstanding, remarkable and suave diplomat. We mourn a distinguished man and a friend of humanity."

More on this: Former UN chief Kofi Annan dies at 80


In his condolence message, Kibaki termed Annan as Africa’s most outstanding diplomat of all time.

He said that aside from his service at the UN, he will be remembered for matching his inimitable elegance with enchanting eloquence.

“So far, Annan remains the most iconic representative of Africa at the UN. He will be remembered for mediating the return of peace in Kenya when our country encountered political turbulence," the retired President said.

Raila said that "we retain fond memories of Annan as the man who stepped in and saved the country from collapse".

"Annan went further and supervised the implementation of the accord. He used to come to Kenya every six months to check on the progress of implementation."

Raila spoke on Saturday in Kisii county, where he presided over the closing ceremony of the Kenya Inter-county Sports and Cultural Games. 

He said much is yet to be done, from what the mediator proposed as a road map to lasting peace and stability, but that "it is my hope that we will do it in his honour".

He added: "I wish to express deep gratitude and appreciation of Annan for his dedicated and tireless work in stabilising the world and encouraging Africa to aspire to higher ideals of democracy, respect for human rights and sound governance as the path to sustainable peace and economic development."

The opposition leader added that more than any other UN Secretary General, Annan best pushed the world to see the importance of human rights to peace, security, humanitarian affairs, economic and social development.

A flag is displayed in honour of victims of the 2007/8 post-election violence. /FILE

Raila further said the world will always remember and honour Annan for what became known as “the Annan Doctrine”.

In it, Annan made it clear that the need to respect sovereignty cannot be used as a shield by governments to brutalise their own citizens and that the international community has a right to intervene, when governments fail to protect the lives of their citizens.

Raila said: "His death is a major blow to the push for respect of human rights across the globe. I take this opportunity to send my condolences to his family, Ghana, Africa and the World. He was a great son of the world."

Former President Daniel arap Moi described Annan's death as a loss to Africa and the world.

"He was a public servant who was committed to peace and harmony for all mankind," he said in a statement. "Annan's commitment to resolution of conflict through dialogue is his biggest legacy." 

Also read: Kofi Annan: A champion of peace and best example of humanity


NASA principal Musalia Mudavadi termed Annan an international icon and said he had lost a personal friend.

Siaya Senator and Minority Leader James Orengo tweeted: "Humble but firm. Civil but resolute. Spoke in simple prose. The results were written in fine verse. He helped Kenya move towards the path of democracy and social justice. Kenya has the choice - liberty or death."

Kisumu Governor Anyang' Nyong'o noted that Annan, directly and through his foundation, dedicated his life to the advancement of the quality of human life.

"I cherish the works we did with Annan as he midwifed the accord that saved Kenya from plunging into a bloody abyss."

Nyandarua Governor Francis Kimemia said he interacted closely with Annan when he served in the national government on matters concerning the international community.

He called for the support of the building bridges initiative in honour of the former UN SG.

“Now more than ever, frank conversations with each other will unlock the immense potential in all of us, address the concerns we share about our future, and ensure the garment of government covers each one of us in our march towards a Nyandarua and Kenya we can proudly call home," he said. "May his soul rest in peace."

At the same function as Raila, Kisii Governor James Ongwae led the gathering in observing a minute's silence in Annan's honour.

In her statement, former Foreign Affairs and current Education CS Amina Mohamed said Annan will be remembered as an African who scaled great heights.

Amina said he was "a global icon and an inspiring public servant who dedicated his life to inspiring others to be the best versions of themselves and to dream the impossible dream.

"As the world comes to terms with this monumental loss, it is my prayer that his enduring legacy will inspire others to honour his amazing memory by doing their bit to contribute to global peace and prosperity."

Former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan displays a AK47 gun transformed to a guitar at Vienna's U.N. headquarters September 11, 2007. /REUTERS


Ghana's President Nana Akufo-Addo on Saturday hailed the late former UN Secretary General as a consummate international diplomat who had brought immense pride to his country.

He ordered Ghana's national flag to be flown at half-mast across the country and in all of the country's diplomatic missions from Monday for one week.

Annan, who was also a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, died in hospital in Bern, Switzerland, aged 80.

Akufo-Addo said the government and people of Ghana were saddened by the news of the death of "one of our greatest compatriots".

"Consummate international diplomat and highly respected former Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr Kofi Annan was the first from sub-Saharan Africa to occupy this exalted position. He brought considerable renown to our country by this position and through his conduct and comportment in the global arena," an official statement said.

"He was an ardent believer in the capacity of the Ghanaian to chart his or her own course onto the path of progress and prosperity."

Read:Former UN chief Kofi Annan dies at 80

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Story by Lillian Mutavi @LillianMutavi, Angwenyi GIchana @Agichana, Joseph Kangogo, Faith Matete @faymatete and Reuters @ReutersAfrica


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