
Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The Democrat Party?s War on America and Our Constitution - Part 4

by Jim Mullen, Contributing Author: This is the last of a four-part article about the new Democrat Socialist Party's policies, platform, strategies, and ideas. Their war on the Constitution and America is exposed in bullet point listings of anti-American activity and behavior of today's Democrat Party and their leaders.

First, however, here are quotes from the king of conservatives who nails the hateful Democrats:

"Liberals are always trying to claim that everyone who disagrees with them is a hateful person. However, their anger and violence makes them the biggest hate group in America. "Let me tell you something, folks. There is an inescapable observation and conclusion, and it is this. You have to look very hard — and you have to spend a long time looking — to find a genuinely happy or content left-wing political person,"

"The bottom line is: You just don't encounter happy, laughing liberals. Even their comedians are consumed by hatred. The Democrat Party's become the largest hate group in this country. Even their comedians are angry and enraged, and that suffices as comedy. I think it's one of the reasons why left-wing comics have become primary sources of news for other left-wing liberals," - Rush Limbaugh.

  • Open borders: The most important constitutional duty of the federal government is protecting the nation's borders. The Democrat Party and a few misguided Republicans spend billions of taxpayer dollars to support, educate, and give health care to foreign invaders. Nonetheless, they refuse to enforce the law and stop the invasion; opting instead to create sanctuary cities and states resulting in total abandonment of law and order.

    Emigrants come to America through the front door at the welcome mat. They assimilate, study our history, learn our language, respect our country, work, and then, bursting with pride, tearfully accept the greatest honor in the world; American citizenship. Pledging their allegiance to their new home and flag becomes their badge of honor.

    Illegal aliens break into our home as thieves in the night with malice aforethought. Illegals come here, steal the country's riches, ignore our laws, and disrespect our flag. The invaders leave their reportedly unsafe homes, and then change our country into the same lawless hellhole they left and demand citizenship.

    Democrats openly protect all illegal aliens at the expense of Americans by harboring felonious illegals from law enforcement. A nation cannot exist as a sovereign state without strong, secure borders, and Democrats stand steadfastly against borders and enforcement of immigration law. Every American slaughtered by an Illegal alien is one more innocent American who dies at the hands of the open border Democrat Party. Fundamentally, American lives and cities are sacrificed by Democrats to create another voting bloc. It's another phase in their traitorous quest to overwhelm mainstream Americans at the ballot box and transform America.
  • One-world government globalists: One-World government is one thing that always brings an evil glint to the eyes of anti-American Democrats, and something for which they hype and work diligently. The treasonous act of ceding our sovereignty to dictators and despots from third-world countries is just one more Democrat Party abomination. They fully support the corrupt United Nations and want our country to succumb to leftwing rules and programs that redistribute our wealth to world dictators, confiscate American's guns, and cede our personal liberty.
  • Illegal voting: Democrats have not only allowed but actively encouraged and enacted legislation permitting illegal aliens and felons to vote. Recently, freshly indoctrinated 16 year olds were added to their wish list of desirable voters. Marxist haven California gives illegal aliens licenses to drive which, in turn, allows them to vote.

    Additionally, progressives repeatedly encourage voter fraud by removing safeguards like voter ID laws and by allowing registration and voting without proper safeguards.
  • Crime/law and order: Every aspect of 'law and order' is hated by Democrats. They side with criminals and illegal aliens – even the brutal MS13 gangs. They set felons upon citizens by emptying prisons and jails, reducing sentences, granting early releases, and plea bargaining felonies down to misdemeanors. Mandatory sentences are taboo for progressives as they prefer to allow liberal judges to mete out lenient punishment. Massive reductions in crime occurred when criminals were kept off the streets. Likewise, since the Democrats began their catch and release policy, crime is again climbing.
  • Democrats and the corrupt media are bedfellows: There is a deliberate and continuous hatred by the corrupt leftwing media and Democrats toward anything and everything American. The media are mouthpieces and activists for Marxist Democrats and provide them with a free propaganda machine of which all dictatorships would be proud. The Media are extremely successful in Socialist indoctrination of our Republic.

    Fake news is a unique and ubiquitous expression one hears and reads all too often. In reality, it's an invented, politically correct term, meaning 'media lies.' The MSM lies are designed on the premise that a lie repeated often enough and strongly enough, becomes the truth. Adolf Hitler's Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels indoctrinated Germany and nearly ruled the world with this premise.
  • Corrupt Democrat deep state: Barack Obama's administration was the most corrupt in the country's history. Every department, bureau, and division of the federal government were corrupted to the core by Obama's leftist outlaws. These traitorous carryovers are now part of an army trying to overthrow President Trump's administration.
  • Rewriting history: It's been said that winners of wars write history. Conservatives must have lost every war fought against liberals, because leftwing historians and the intelligentsia have been writing and indoctrinating young people with their version of history for decades.
  • Real danger is not accepting results of an election: The Real danger in any nation is when radical fascists do not accept the lawful outcomes of a presidential election. This is how violent revolutions are fomented. Nearly everything the Democrat Party and the MSM do now is to reverse what they deem as a fraudulent election of President Trump. They will not accept the legal election of a President, and are doing everything in their power to remove him from office. These efforts have all the elements of an attempted overthrow of the government.
Individually, each bullet-point presented here tells a devastating tale of leftwing lunacy abounding in the Democrat Party. However, in totality, they represent an attempted coup of America.

Democrats, the mainstream media, and the deep state have declared complete and total war on not only President Trump, but America and everything for which it stands. This mid-term election is the most important in American history. If patriots cannot bring themselves, and inspire others to stand and fight at the ballot box, our war might be lost. Make no mistake; they are at war with America! If we lose this war, we lose our liberty and have no chance of regaining it without fighting another violent and bloody Revolutionary or Civil War.

When you make your decision on that judgment day in November, choose liberty. Our founders pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor for us. Freedom-loving Americans must strike a decisive blow against the tyrannical leftist Democrats. Leftists have the numbers; therefore, patriots must turn out en masse and overwhelm the lawless.

Every elected Democrat increases the power base for radical progressive policies. If they truly believed in liberty and the Constitution, they would not remain in the party of Marxism.

Historically, conservatives have recoiled from conflicts with liberalism, believing their ideas were too extreme and ludicrous to be taken seriously. We dealt with them with a dismissive wave of the hand. Unfortunately, that has been a horrific miscalculation, as they currently control the MSM, entertainment, social media, the Internet, most of the courts, and the deep state. Hundreds of millions of people have lived in dictatorships that began with a few hundred determined revolutionaries with radical ideas. Tragically, they were dismissed out-of-hand by unsuspecting, naïve citizens and their leaders.

Dictators acquire and maintain their power by creating division. Setting one faction against another is how they work. They scream, rant, rave, and lie to stop any idea of freedom because if people maintain autonomy; their tyrannical systems are ineffectual. Currently, they are in panic mode because President Trump is burning Obama's leftist legacy, and Democrats are terrified of conservative ideas because if they succeed people will embrace them and the left at least temporarily, fails.

(View Part 1 article, Part 2 article, & Part 3 article)
Jim Mullen is a West Virginia conservative activist and a contributing author to the ARRA News Service

Tags: Jim Mullen, Democrat Party's War, On America and Our Constitution, Part 4 To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!

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