
Thursday, August 16, 2018

The Democrat Party?s War on America and Our Constitution - Part 3

The following is Part 3 of a 4 part series.
by Jim Mullen, Contributing Author: This is the third of a four-part article about the new Democrat Socialist Party's policies, platform, strategies, and ideas. The following bullet points lay out the war on America and the Constitution by illuminating the Democrat Party's anti-American activities and behavior.
  • Income Redistribution and Barack Obama: Barack Obama laid out his Marxist ideas early on when he said he wanted to spread the wealth around. Accomplishing this goal is largely about convincing the populace of the great unfairness and inadequacies of free enterprise and capitalism. To achieve this, Democrats must create friction between classes, races, genders, and anywhere they can preach victimhood. When people perceive themselves as long-suffering victims, they are easy targets of the unethical, immoral, and oppressive Marxist Democrats. Obama's social justice plan simply meant tax, spend, and redistribute wealth.

    The Democrat Party saw Obama's election as a mandate to double down on fundamentally changing America into a Marxist state. For the past ten years, socialists, Marxists, and communists have overtly, and with great passion, proclaimed their hatred for America, the Constitution, culture, religion, economic system, and the entire white race. Obama led Democrats from the shadows into proudly proclaiming their allegiance to a despotic revolution.
  • Free Speech: Democrats fight an unending war against free speech and legislate what they call hate speech. Self-defining hate speech automatically allows liberals to control any narrative and determine what is or is not acceptable speech according to their whims. Academia, once the bastion for free speech, transformed higher education and ceded power to violent fascists that transfigured campuses into rioting, firebombing terror zones. America is a free speech zone, nevertheless, colleges and universities arrogantly and illegally, set up confines of free speech zones. Additionally, these fascists use political correctness as a weapon to enforce tyranny and prohibit free speech.

    No group in America exhibits more hate-filled; spewing of poisonous vitriol than Democrats. Nonetheless, academics attack and ban conservative speech. Liberals bluster, attack, and lie to hide the fact they have no ideas; only ideology, and talking points. Consequently, they realize that allowing constitutional ideas to germinate and conservative speech to grow, is hazardous to Democrat ideology.
  • Religion: The constitutional right to freely exercise one's religion is under attack by every leftwing group. Not only buoyed by establishment bias, but actively working against religious groups and individuals, the Democrat Party represents a clear and present danger to religious freedom. These are the tyrants who booed God at their convention
  • Education: Leftists, mostly Democrats, have turned the world's best public education system into a shameful disaster. They destroyed the classic public education system and then hammered Marxist/progressive ideology and propaganda into young, impressionable minds. Social engineering, social justice, multi-culturalism, diversity, and inclusiveness, are bitter toxins the left employs to destroy the mind, heart and spirit of America's youth. Simply stated, children receive the best indoctrination money can buy. Sadly, we encounter the finished product of this brainwashing in every sector of society and institution in the nation.

    Unconstitutional interference by the government and a tyrannical grip on education by teacher unions, are the two principal causes for the collapse of the system. Because bad teachers are next to impossible to remove, exceptional teachers must now follow scripted programs mandated by faceless, leftwing government bureaucrats. Adding to the governing body's idiocy, educators must tolerate stifling union rules, and endure constant interruptions in their classrooms. Obviously, even the best teachers find it an overwhelming challenge, providing young people with a classical education.
  • Constitution: Marxists Barack Obama and Democrats believe, "The Constitution is a charter of negative liberties," and a living, breathing, document that should change with the times. That view leads to continuous and deliberate challenging of the Constitution's meaning by progressive judges, the media, and voters determined to undermine and weaken the entire foundation of the Constitution. Extreme leftist judges at every level of the Judiciary have, over the last few decades, tailored new laws from Marxist cloth, and ignored the words and intent of our Constitution. Nothing in this founding document guarantees outcome and success. Opportunity is never enough for the left because success without government is liberty; something to which Marxists do not subscribe.

    Democrats have literally lost their minds over the prospect that the days might be numbered when they can depend on the courts to legislate leftwing ideology with the striking of a gavel. President Trump's Supreme Court nominees believe in the Constitution and law. Additionally, with the replacement by the President of hundred of federal court judges, Democrats cannot conceive living in an America with this kind of freedom from government. They call allowing citizens to make their own decisions, tyranny.
  • Energy and Environment: Climate change is a scam of monumental proportions concocted by anti-American globalists and Democrats. The intent is taxing American energy use and spreading our wealth to despots around the globe. A few decades ago these same conmen warned of a coming ice age, then came global warming, and finally as their sizzling lies melted, their swindle morphed into climate change. When the fallacy of the fraud is pointed out, the louder, and more forceful the schemers lie.

    Democrats abhor carbon-based anything, and stand against drilling for and transporting oil. Nuclear energy drives them out of their mind, and they want everything powered by unaffordable solar.

    "Cap and Trade" became the buzzword, when Obama said, "Under my plan of a 'cap-and-trade' system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."
  • Punishing success and rewarding failure: Marxist Democrats are infamous for punishing industrious Americans for their success and rewarding slothful, unmotivated parasites for failure. Rewarding failure is one of the Democrat party's legs of support, and extends to the government rewarding corrupt, incompetent bureaucracies.
  • Anti-cop: Anti-American, Barack Obama demeaned police at every opportunity. Obama was, by every account, a racist who screamed racism anytime police did their job of arresting black criminals. He believed descendants of slavery should not be punished for crimes. Ironically, innocent blacks were the primary victims of criminals protected by Obama's umbrella of bigotry.
  • Anti Military: Bill Clinton was no friend of the Military, but traitor Obama cut spending to the point of weakening our Military to pre WWII levels. Never in American history, had a President and political party declared war on the police and the Military. A weak nation is a vulnerable nation, and Obama and his Democrats placed America in an indefensible world position and perilous situation at home. He showed a blatant disregard for law and order and stated openly he wanted to weaken the U.S. on the world stage.
  • Taxes: Democrats are always aligned against tax cuts, and never saw a tax increase they didn't like. Collecting more of our money to buy votes from moochers is an all-consuming activity for Marxists. All-the-while, they hold traditional Middle American taxpayers and voters in contempt when they resist the government's thieving hand in their pockets.
  • Anti-Capitalism: The Democrat Party has engaged in a decades-long war against capitalism, and works tirelessly to bring every business and citizen under federal control. Government-run schools teach children that capitalism is evil, and government is there to care for them. Higher education amplifies the indoctrination against the most successful economic system devised by man. Marxist professors rail against capitalism because it allows the freedom of choice by citizens and consistently empowers the country to lead the world in productivity, prosperity, ease of living, and financial wealth for its inhabitants.
(To be continued . . .View Part 1 article and Part 2 article) ----------------- Jim Mullen is a West Virginia conservative activist and a contributing author to the ARRA News Service

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