
Thursday, August 16, 2018

Leftist Mobs

by Kerby Anderson, Contributing Author: If you have seen any of the videos posted showing leftist mobs confronting conservative leaders, you know that we may be just one wrong move away from mob violence. The most recent video posted involved Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens (Turning Point USA). They were eating breakfast in a Philadelphia café and were verbally assaulted with whistles and bullhorns pushed into their faces. Water was thrown on Kirk, and Owens had to tell one woman with a bullhorn to get out of her face.

I have said on my radio program that the slightest move or gesture could be misinterpreted and violence could erupt. Sometimes the perpetrators even seem to be trying to provoke a physical reaction. When Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi attended a movie with her male companion, they taunted him by saying things like, "What are you going to do about it?" They seemed to be looking for an excuse to retaliate if he chose to defend her.

In a recent commentary, Brandon Morse raises the same concerns I have been voicing. He says that if he was with a colleague, he might not react but merely put his hands up to show he would not retaliate. But what if he was with a mother or girlfriend? What if a small child was with him?

He acknowledges that it is easy to ponder these questions while sitting in your office behind a keyboard. But change that to a time when adrenaline is pumping through your system and your heart is pounding in your ears. It doesn't take much imagination to see how incidents could ratchet up into violent territory very easily.

One more point. The leftist mob threw water on Charlie Kirk. But until it hit him and he could feel it, how did he know it wasn't acid or some other liquid? No one was arrested. What's to keep another leftist mob from raising the stakes? The bottom line is this: people are going to get hurt unless law enforcement begins to provide some deterrence against leftist mobs.
Kerby Anderson is a radio talk show host heard on numerous stations via the Point of View Network endorsed by Dr. Bill Smith, Editor, ARRA News Service

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