
Monday, July 16, 2018

Unruly Power Mad Leftists

Robert "Bob" McDowell
by Bob McDowell, Contributing Author : It saddens me to see and hear those, sometimes violent, radicals in their continuing rants against President Trump and those on his staff. And you may include police, fire, and in the future possibly anyone in or former military. The worst part is the failure of the, still President Obama's 'swamp dwellers' (holdovers) in the Justice?

Departments refusing to clamp down on the worst and most violent offenders. It has been shown in all history that when violence people are able to get away with things, they just feel that it doesn't matter how much further they go as nothing will be done.

So far, nothing has been done to those of the C/S persuasion that have resorted to confrontations and harassment of decent citizens including those in public office or clergy. Those doing such should be brought up on charges and, hopefully, imprisoned.

And for that matter, there are some even in Congress who rail and urge their uninformed and uneducated followers to 'step up the actions'. In my mind that is similar to the to yelling "Fire" in a crowded theater." They demand 'freedom of speech' for themselves all the while pursuing every possible course to deny speech, or even freedom of movement, to those with whom they disagree.

Even Sarah Huckabee Sanders, able and talented press secretary at the White House, was denied service in a Mexican restaurant because the owner was a President Trump hater. It didn't matter that she was with her husband's family who, incidentally, happen to be Democrats and not Trump supporters. When leaving, the mob had assembled and was verbally assaulting her, and presumably, those in the party. Former Oklahoma Attorney General and EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt had so many violence threats against his family that he finally resigned the position. It is my opinion, some of these people are most likely 'paid' incited and even to riot. They are financed by certain liberal billionaires like George Soros.

This brings up another matter that continues to baffle me, until reminded that Obama appointees are still holding positions in the Trump administration. Then there are those political office holders, such as mayors and at least one governor that continue to blatantly violate Federal law with 'sanctuary cities, counties, and states. These are truly law breakers and should be arrested, tried, and incarcerated. It is a certainty that if one of us acted in that manner the whole force of Federal law would be brought down on us and it would be a long, long time before we would be freed.

We can be sure that as long as those rude, crude, and violent individuals and mobs are not made to feel the error of their ways, they will continue and increase in frequency and violence until there will be major bloodshed. To me, they are guilty of nothing more than out and out treason and remind me of the "fifth column" that was present from the beginning, and maybe before, our entry into World War II on December 7, 1941! A major part of those participants came from an organization known as the "German American Bund" which was instigated by one Adolph Hitler, despotic, and maybe insane, ruler of the "Socialist Republic of Germany" under the Nazi Party. Don't believe what some often claim, that the 'Nazis were "Right Wing."' Nor was the fascist order in Italy!

It has long been stated that "the price of freedom is eternal vigilance" and it is even more true in our time. For the last 242 years since the Declaration of Independence, there has been those in the world attempting to end our independence which was bought with much sacrifice and bloodshed. It is now up to us to stand up and put a stop to the headlong rush to slavery by big government which is being thrust upon us by those who want to control us, our every move and finances. And, yes even terminate us at their least whim.

Thankfully, signs of such a resurgence of dedication appeared on election day in November of 2016 to elect as President a man who WILL stand up to aggressors and tyrants around the World. So far, it appears to be having the desired results, even if there are 'RINOS' in opposition in the President's own party.
Robert "Bob" McDowell, Jr. is a retired Professional Engineer and Geologist with over 50 years experience in creating drilling prospects, supervising drilling, well completion, production operation, and pipeline design for oil and gas including repair of problem wells. He is a senior conservative activist and contributes opinion and commentary articles to the ARRA News Service.

Tags: Bob McDowell, Unruly, Power Mad, Leftists, RINOs To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!

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