
Thursday, July 12, 2018

Success in Brussels

The White House: As the NATO summit concluded in Brussels today, President Trump held an extended press conference to explain what American leadership has achieved. At the President's request, every NATO member "has agreed to substantially up their commitment. They're going to up it at levels that they never thought of before," President Trump said.

This American success underscores President Trump's philosophy abroad: Actions speak louder than words. The United States values its transatlantic partners, and our leaders want to see that every member state invests in NATO's future.

President Trump will continue building close ties with America's friends as he visits the United Kingdom today. The President has worked extensively with British Prime Minister Theresa May, pushing for fair and reciprocal trade deals and joining forces with Britain and France to hold Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad accountable for chemical weapons attacks.

Watch President Trump's press conference this morning from Brussels.

Tags: The White House, Success in Brussels, NATO Summit, Brussels, Belgium To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!

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