
Sunday, July 15, 2018

Ruto prays for Big Four, end of corruption on National Thanksgiving Day

Deputy President William Ruto has asked the public to continue praying for Kenya and its leaders.

During National Thanksgiving Day at Uhuru Park in Nairobi on Saturday, the DP said last year’s peaceful election was evidence that prayers work.

"When we came here a year ago, we prayed for a peaceful election and for God to elect for us men and women after his own heart," he said.

“God gave us not only peaceful elections but also leaders for the next five years. We have come here to thank God for answering our prayers.” 

Ruto prayed for the successful implantation of the Big Four agenda on affordable housing, universal healthcare, manufacturing and food security.

“Father, we commit the vision of our nation to you so that you bless every pillar of our Big Four so Kenya can succeed.”

He also prayed for the success of the fight against corruption, a peaceful country and smooth elections in future.

"We pray that ethnicity shall not tear our country apart, that corruption will not eat our nation into nothingness, that hate shall not be part of this county and that we shall be our brothers' keepers.”

Related: I'm ready to help you fight corruption, Kalonzo tells Uhuru

The prayer meeting brought together religious leaders from different denominations under the Tuombee Kenya (Let us pray for Kenya) umbrella.

Ruto attended alongside his wife Rachel, Public Service Chief Administrative Secretary Rachel Shebesh and Nairobi speaker Beatrice Elachi.

Religious leaders who prayed for the country including Apostle John Kimani of Kingdom Seekers Fellowship Nakuru, Bishop Mark Kariuki of Deliverance Churches of Kenya, Bishop Arthur Kitonga of Redeemed Gospel Church and Bishop Jesse Ireri of Gospel Revival Wave Church.

Kimani said the church is encouraged when political leaders pray for the country to prosper while Gitonga asked the public to pray for Kenya to realise its goals and for responsibility by leaders.

“Let us pray for our President Uhuru Kenyatta and Ruto day and night so that we see peace and an end to the country’s problems."

Read: Kenya signs deals worth Sh10 billion with US, Big Four top agenda

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