
Thursday, July 5, 2018

Investigating Swazuri, Solai Dam Arrests, Camel Milk Business: Your Breakfast Briefing

EACC seizes Swazuri wealth forms

 EACC has finally seized National Lands Commission chairman Mohamed Swazuri’s assets and liabilities declaration documents as it seeks to piece bribery allegations in the SGR land compensation. The Commission also took copies of NLC vice-chairperson Abigael Mbagaya who is being investigated alongside Swazuri over the millions of compensation irregularities.


DPP orders arrest of Patel dam owner Perry Mansukh for manslaughter

DPP Noordin Haji has ordered the arrest of Patel Dam owner Perry Mansukh on charges of manslaughter. At least 48 people died in May after the dam burst its banks causing raging waters to sweep through a residential area.


Mass eviction looms in Kibera as road agency set to demolish houses for road construction

Thousands of Kibera residents could be left homeless after the government gave them two weeks to vacate their homes to give way for the construction of a road. Kenya urban roads authority is constructing the Ngong Road-Kungu Karumba- Langata Link road that it says will reduce traffic jam on Mbagathi Way, Ngong Road and Langata Road.


Banditry declines as Lapsset spurs business in new towns

In an interview with the Star, the Lamu Port-South Sudan-Ethiopia Transport corridor CEO Sylvester Kasuku said the new corridor has led to the emergence of towns, making cattle rustling communities lay down their arms as previously marginalised areas turn into business hubs.


With refrigerated ATMs, camel milk business thrives in Kenya

Halima Ali is the proud owner of one of the few ATMs in Wajir town in northeast Kenya. But rather than doling out shilling notes, it dispenses something tastier: a fresh pint of camel milk. “For Sh100, you get one litre of the freshest milk in Wajir county,” she says, opening a vending machine advertising “fresh, hygienic and affordable camel milk” to check the liquid’s temperature.


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