
Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Hypocrisy Shocking

Roughly 936,933 immigrants between the ages of 15 and 30 might immediately meet the requirements of the deferred action initiative. They comprise 53 percent of all potential beneficiaries.
by Debbie Pelley, Contributing Author: The left believes we should open our borders and give dreamers (and almost everyone else) amnesty because children should not suffer the consequences of their parents' actions. Many of these dreamers (DACA) are in their 20s and 30s and not the young children shown in all the pictures. They can be up to 36 or 37.

The left has never lamented the separation of American military personnel from their children, and there could be all kinds of pictures of children crying when daddies and/or mommies leave for overseas for months at a time, and isn't it the left that wants women to serve in the armed forces where even mothers are taken out of their children's lives?

The left could not even get upset when Planned Parenthood was proven to be selling baby parts of full term babies permanently separated from their mother through late term abortion. And we have never heard the left lament the plight of American children when they are separated from their parents when their American parents are sent to prison or jail. Pictures of these separations could be spread all across the nation just as easily as children being separated from their parents who come across the border illegally.

Why didn't we hear about this terrible abuse of separating children from their parents under Obama's presidency? And is there no concern for the 80% of Central American females who are raped or molested crossing into the US? What parent would subject their children to such treatment! Many of the adults in these separations are not parents of the children at all but are using the children just to get into the country.

The hypocrisy of the left is shocking, but the most shocking part is how many people are so easily deceived. How many more times will people listen to the fake news and still believe them when they attempt to manipulate the public? That is what the left has done by showing images of young children separated from their parents, even using pictures taken during Obama's presidency. It is the policies of the left that have pushed us into this bind, and giving in to them on this issue of separating the children of illegals from the parents will just continue the same old policies that will further the immigration problems we are experiencing in this country. If we had enforced the laws on the books, we would have never had this problem.

Someone has made the true statement that a welfare country like ours can't survive open borders. What family will open their doors and let anyone and everyone come in and live with them? No one; no family can afford that. Neither can our nation!
Debbie Pelley is Retired Arkansas Teacher of 27 years. She is presently a grassroots citizen activist, researcher and writer who advocates for Arkansans and for transparent and limited government. She is a contribution author on the ARRA News Service.

Tags: Debbie Pelley, Hypocrisy Shocking, illegals, illegal immigrants, DACA   To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!

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