
Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Black Mask Terrorism

by Paul Jacob, Contributing Author: I was in Arkansas on Saturday when the downtown streets of Portland, Oregon, "exploded into its worst protest violence of the Trump era," as The Guardian explains. "More than 150 supporters of the far-right Patriot Prayer group fought pitched street battles with scores of anti-fascist protesters. In total, nine people were arrested."

Notice that "Patriot Prayer" — a group sponsored by a Republican Senatorial candidate, and which says it stands for free speech — was labeled "far right" while the "anti-fascist protesters" were not called "far left."

Characteristically, The Guardian vagues it up. "Violence suddenly 'erupted,'" noted a Romanian YouTuber of the British rag's evasiveness. "Who started it? We don't know."

Well, from the videos I saw it looked like the "anti-fascists" started it. The "patriots" were marching down the street when a young man, with helmet and backpack, and a young women, dressed in black, marshaled antifa mobs towards the legal march, and then stones and bottles were thrown, and explosives, too . . . into the Patriot Prayer rally.

Note: the Patriot Prayer group had filed the paperwork for the march; antifa had not. The Portland police did not protect the licensed marchers, but did revoke their license, telling everyone to disperse (threatening "duress" to the non-compliant) after the violence broke out.

If you did not carefully look at more than one video, you might be confused. Indeed, not all videos showed the crucial break from peace to violence.

So, what other clues might one look for?

In old cowboy movies, whoever ganged up masked, and wore black, were usually the bad guys.

Antifa — thanks for providing the clues: masks, black fighting gear, and Luciferian handsigns.

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob.
Paul Jacob is author of Common Sense which provides daily commentary about the issues impacting America and about the citizens who are doing something about them. He is also President of the Liberty Initiative Fund (LIFe) as well as Citizens in Charge Foundation. Jacob is a contributing author on the ARRA News Service.

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