
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Wife of Pulse Nightclub Terrorist Knew Everything

Noor Salman Mateen 
by Peter Heck: This is someone that could have placed a call at any time in the months leading up to the attack and saved many lives.

As if the horrific nightmare that occurred at the Orlando Pulse Nightclub a year and a half ago wasn't awful enough, details have emerged that reveal it would have been one of the easiest acts of Islamic terror to prevent. The terrorist's wife, Noor Salman, knew about it all – what he was planning, when he was planning it – and said absolutely nothing.

The USA Today recently detailed a 12 page information dump from federal authorities about what Salman admitted she knew prior to Omar Mateen walking into the dance hall and opening fire. And it was a lot.

"H]er 2016 statement [said] that Mateen spent the two years before the attack visiting Islamic State-related websites on a daily basis and frequently watched beheading videos. Salman told FBI agents that Mateen had become obsessed with violence in the Middle East and ISIS recruitment videos…

"He said if he did jihad everybody would know who he is," Salman wrote in the statement. Salman also wrote that Mateen purchased a rifle four days before the shooting. When she saw the rifle in his car, she asked him about it. He told her not to tell anyone about the firearm, said it was for his security job and covered it up.

[She said] Mateen purchased ammo and went to the gun range "a lot" in the days leading up to the attack…showed her the nightclub's website and told her that was his target. "I knew that the time to attack the club was close," Salman told the FBI…The night before the attack, Salman said Mateen looked "pumped up." He had a handgun in a holster on his waist and a backpack with ammo. "I knew on Saturday, when Omar left the house about 5 p.m. that this was the time that he was going to do something bad. I knew this because of the way he left and took the gun and backpack with ammunition."
It is not a crime to be witness to a crime and to flee for your own safety. This is not one such instance. This is someone that could have placed a call at any time in the months leading up to the attack and tip off authorities about her concern. The fact that no such call was made demands that we ask whether that is because she was not concerned about his intentions, and whether she sympathized with his views.

As for criminal charges against her, despite pleading not guilty on the claim that she was suffering from PTSD, Salman is facing federal counts of providing material support to a terrorist and tampering with evidence. Given that she enabled this horror while possessing complete power to stop it without the loss of one innocent person, she deserves far worse.
Peter Heck writes for The Resurgent.

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