
Monday, January 8, 2018

Trump Ends Temporary Stay For 250,000 El Salvadorans After 2001 Earthquake

by Daniel Greenfield: Yes, you read that correctly.

We're talking about people who have been given a blank check to stay in America based on a 2001 earthquake. We might as well extend temporary protected status for all of Italy because of Pompei.
El Salvador suffered a devastating earthquake on January 13, 2001, and experienced two more earthquakes on February 13 and 17, 2001. Based on a thorough review by the Departments of State and Justice, the Attorney General has determined that, due to the environmental disaster and substantial disruption of living conditions caused by the earthquakes, El Salvador is "unable, temporarily, to handle adequately the return" of its nationals.

Accordingly, the Attorney General has determined that conditions in El Salvador warrant the designation of El Salvador under the TPS program. This order will designate El Salvador under the TPS program for an initial period of 18 months.
And eighteen months then became 17 years.Nationals of El Salvador (and aliens having no nationality who last habitually resided in El Salvador) who have been "continuously physically present" in the United States since March 9, 2001, and have "continuously resided" in the United States since February 13, 2001, may apply for TPS within the registration period that begins on March 9, 2001 and ends on September 9, 2002.Now the Trump admin is ending the madness. There's one more extension and then TPS ends in September 2019.

The media doesn't actually explain any of this. Instead it ladles out buckets of sob stories by El Salvadorans who claim that they're "practically" American and that they'll be immediately murdered if they return to their country. Meanwhile quite a few Americans are being murdered by El Salvadoran gangs like MS-13. But remember TPS was supposed to be temporary. The campaign against it, admits it isn't.

TPS isn't temporary. It's another migration backdoor.

Cue the "It's against American values to send back people to their country after 17 years when we only generously allowed them to stay here for 18 months after an earthquake."

Enough already. There are a whole lot of immigrants who want to come to America. There's a line out the door and around the world. If we're going to be fair about this, we should respect the process. TPS was a scam pulled on the American people. And now the scammers claim it was never temporary to begin with. Ending TPS is about restoring the rule of law and ending the migration lies.
Daniel Greenfield is Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center and a New York writer focusing on radical Islam. David Horowitz is a Contributing Author of the ARRA News Service

Tags: Daniel Greenfield, FrontPage Mag, president Trump. ends stay, El Savadorans, 2001 earthquake To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!

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