
Saturday, January 6, 2018

Scandal Update, Good News

Gary Bauer
by Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: Scandal Update - Year after year, we see scandals erupt on the left, yet the central figures often seem to evade justice. Lois Lerner comes to mind as a prime example. Nevertheless, new reports indicate that progress is being made in some current investigations, while old ones are getting a second look. Here are some examples.

FBI agents in Little Rock, Arkansas, are looking into allegations of "pay-to-play politics or other illegal activities" at the Clinton Foundation while Hillary Clinton served as secretary of state. At least one witness was reportedly interviewed last month.

The investigation, however, may be short lived. The Hill notes that "the statute of limitations on most federal felonies is five years and Clinton left office in early 2013."

There was a surprise meeting earlier this week between Speaker Paul Ryan and key FBI officials who were seeking to quash the investigation of alleged deep state corruption. To his credit, Ryan supported the demands of House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA), who threatened to hold top FBI and Justice officials in contempt for their repeated stonewalling.

Nunes later announced that his committee will get access to all requested documents, including all messages between FBI agent Peter Stzork and his mistress, as well as access to eight key officials involved the Trump/Russia investigation, including Bruce Ohr, whose wife worked for Fusion GPS.

We may finally be close to getting answers to critical questions about how the Obama Administration investigated the Trump campaign and the president-elect.

In another win for Chairman Nunes, a federal judge sided with the House Intelligence Committee and ordered Fusion GPS, the company paid by the Clinton campaign to produce the Trump/Russia dossier, to surrender the bank records the Intelligence Committee had subpoenaed.

President Trump was widely criticized by the media and the "#NeverTrump" crowd this week after he tweeted that former FBI Director James Comey should be in jail. But once again, his instincts were correct. The former FBI director may soon be under indictment himself.

Sen. Charles Grassley, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is demanding to know whether the Justice Department is investigating Comey for leaking classified information. As you may recall, Comey admitted that he leaked his memos about his meetings with President Trump to a friend who, at Comey's request, then leaked them to the New York Times.

And while Comey testified that he did not believe his memos were classified, Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch says he has a "sworn declaration" from the chief Freedom of Information Act officer at the FBI that all of Comey's Trump meeting memos were classified.

Stay tuned, my friends. It may be winter, but things are heating up in Washington!

Good News -
  • The Trump Labor Department announced a new rule yesterday that could help as many as 11 million Americans get better health insurance. The rule expands the definition of who can join "association health plans." This is something conservatives have long argued for, and it is just another example of how the Trump/Pence team is delivering for the American people.
  • The Trump Administration also announced that it is vastly expanding the areas available for energy exploration and production.
  • The U.S. manufacturing industry posted some of its strongest gains in more than a decade.
  • The number of companies and businesses celebrating the Trump tax reform plan continues to grow. At least 100 companies have announced that they are giving bonuses and/or offering higher wages and better benefits to their workers.
  • Speaking of workers, we reported yesterday that two million Americans came off the food stamp rolls last year. Today, we are learning that the black unemployment rate has fallen to a record low. To put it another way, more blacks are working now than at any time during the Obama presidency. But you wouldn't know that given the media's obsession with portraying the Trump Administration as "bigoted" and "racist."
The left likes to measure progress based how many people depend on government benefits like Obamacare, food stamps and welfare. Conservatives measure progress based on how many people are working and providing for themselves and their families.

Democrats have high hopes that they can make big gains in the 2018 elections. And while anything could happen between now and November, it is clear that more and more Americans are better off today than they were one year ago.
Gary Bauer is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families

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