
Thursday, January 11, 2018

Aukot invites applications for 22 Shadow Cabinet slots

Thirdway Alliance leader Ekuru Aukot has called for applications for 22 positions of shadow cabinet secretaries and senior advisers.

Aukot, who lost the 2017 presidential election, said those interested should send their CVs to before or on January 30.

He said the Shadow Cabinet will comply with article 130 of the constitution. The article notes that the composition of the national executive shall reflect the regional and ethnic diversity of the people of Kenya.

Aukot was one of the lawyers who helped draft the 2010 constitution and once said it was tougher than ruling a nation.

But on Twitter on Thursday, he wrote: "We are getting ready to run government. President Uhuru Kenyatta must know there are alternative ways of running the government to the satisfaction of Kenyans."

He said his party will play politics of transformation as anyone forming government must have an opposition.

"We are happily at home with our opposition role. We shall play it effectively, even against 10 presidents including Uhuru," he added.

But the current system of government (presidential) does not presuppose the existence of an opposition party, therefore a Shadow Cabinet does not come into play.

Last year, the politician declared himself the official opposition figure after losing the presidential contest.

He trailed both President Uhuru Kenyatta and NASA leader Raila Odinga in the race but pledged to keep the government on its toes.

Uhuru garnered 7,483,895 votes and was followed by Raila, who withdrew from the race, with 73,228.

Aukot was third with 21,333 and then came Abduba Dida (14,107), Japheth Kaluyu (8,261), Michael Wainaina (6,007), Joseph Nyagah (5,554) and Cyrus Jirongo (3,832).

Read: Endorse me so I can thrash Uhuru, Ekuru Aukot tells Raila

Related: Raila to be sworn-in on January 30

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