
Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Comey?s FBI Murders Rancher. Sessions? DOJ Leaves Innocent Ranchers in Jail. Nobody Cares.

by Tom Balek, Contributing Author: August 9, 2014. Michael Brown, a 300-pound black man who was stopped by a police officer after robbing a convenience store, attacked the cop and attempted to take his gun. He started to run away, but then turned and charged the officer and was fatally shot. Liberal news media and government officials incited race riots and violence, and the man's family was rewarded with a $1.5 million settlement despite investigators and a jury finding the officer faultless. This was one of many recent incidents where the shooting of a black suspect by law enforcement was widely criticized.

January 26, 2016. Lavoy Finicum, a soft-spoken white rancher who had joined some fellow land-owners in a peaceful protest over the unlawful imprisonment of two other ranchers, was driving to a meeting with the sheriff when he ran into a military-style FBI roadblock. As agents pumped bullets into his car with three innocent passengers inside, the unarmed Finicum got out with his hands up and walked away to divert the gunfire away from the car. The FBI agents murdered Finicum in cold blood and it's a miracle the shots they fired into the car missed the other three victims. No press coverage. No riots. No apologies or settlements offered by the feds.

Here is a dramatic explanation of the events surrounding Finicum's murder and the subsequent coverup and collusion by the FBI and the Department of Justice, including video of the shooting of Finicum and the attempted murder of the occupants of his car:

Nine months later most of America has still never heard the name Lavoy Finicum. Dwight and Steven Hammond, the two men whose shameful imprisonment sparked the ranchers' protest, remain incarcerated. Dwight Hammond is 74 years old. Their only "crime" is they had set a backfire on their land to protect it from an out-of-control fire set by the BLM on adjacent property. For this they were convicted of "terrorism." They served a year in prison, but after they were released a judge decided they had not done enough hard time and jacked their sentence up another five years. The elder Hammond may not survive his sentence.

18 protesters and one journalist remain in jail, many without bond, for their alleged acts of "terrorism" by a vindictive Department of Justice. Not one of the murderers has been punished, although there was talk of a "reprimand" for on agent who lied about having fired shots.

AT&T Originals has released a documentary about Finicum's murder. "American Standoff" is currently only available on Direct TV and AT&T's U-Verse cable channel. Customers of these outlets can stream the show online. Unfortunately, the documentary will not reach a wide audience.

It is horrifying to think that the United States government can murder and imprison innocent Americans with impunity, but our Department of Justice and federal law enforcement agencies seem to be above the law these days. Meanwhile real criminals are granted hero status and financial awards.

While former FBI director James Comey boasts about the wonderful job he did during his tenure (while evading all responsibility for his department's dismal failure to investigate serious illegal activities) maybe somebody will ask him about the level of his involvement in the murder of Lavoy Finicum by his agents.

And since Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from doing any work on the all-consuming Russian Collusion hoax, he has plenty of time to find out why 19 ordinary, law-abiding American citizens languish in jails on trumped-up charges of domestic "terrorism".

For that matter, maybe President Trump could set his smart phone down for a few minutes and grant a pardon to these people who surely would have voted for him if they weren't in jail.
Tom Balek is a fellow conservative activist, blogger, musician and contributes to the ARRA News Service. Tom resides in South Carolina and seeks to educate those too busy with their work and families to notice how close to the precipice our economy has come. He blogs at Rockin' On the Right Side

Tags: Tom Balek, Rockin' On The Right Side, Comey's FBI Murders Rancher, SLavoy Finicum, essions' DOJ, Leaves Innocent Ranchers in Jail, Nobody Cares To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!

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