
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Former powerful minister Nicholas Biwott dies aged 77

Former powerful minister and Veteran politicianNicholas Biwott is dead.

Biwott died on Tuesday in Nairobi hospital aged 77 years.

He was a member of parliament for 28 years.

"Mzee has been ill for quite some time and he was abroad for over one month seeking treatment till Sunday when he was flown back," a close friend of Biwott said.

His body has been moved to Lee funeral home.

Famously known as The Total Man, Biwott served alongside Kenya's first three presidents Jomo Kenyatta, Daniel arap Moi and Mwai Kibaki and with many significant public figures in post-independence Kenya, including Bruce McKenzie and Tom Mboya.

He was also a businessman, politician and philanthropist.

Biwott served as Keiyo South MP until 2007.

He has been an ardent supporter of President Uhuru Kenyatta's re-election bid.

Read: Biwott urges Kalenjins to vote for Uhuru

Until his death, he was the leader of the National Vision Party.


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