
Wednesday, January 18, 2017

[VIDEO] Jubilee merger was 'vicious political conmanship', says Onyango Oloo

Former TNA boss Onyango Oloo has accused Jubilee Party of sidelining him when the party back folded up last year.

Oloo, who was secretary general of The National Alliance, said promises made were yet to be fulfilled.

"Little did I know that the 11 parties that joined the merger were being led to vicious political conmanship," he said.

Oloo said he did not think any of the parties that merged into President Uhuru Kenyatta's ruling coalition will ever take part in any activities. 

 JAP is in office. TNA is dead. UDF is dead...  Other parties are dead. People like Kalembe Ndile are crying... The answer is that we were conned," he said.

"It is unfortunate. Everybody who worked on the ideology has been set aside. We will bear the consequences but are ready to continue [fighting] for our ideologies."

Read: Overtaken by events: Court rules ex-TNA secretary general cannot hold two posts

More on this: Give Oloo key roll on poll team, angry JP members tell Uhuru

The former secretary general said it was easier to defend Jubilee against corruption and issues of integrity under a coalition, but noted he could no longer compromise his personal beliefs.

TNA was founded on a sane agenda but, unfortunately, it turned out the party was not truly national," he said, adding newcomers had become members.

Oloo said several other politicians were willing to leave Jubilee to join ODM. He said they were looking for a "home" mindful of their ideologies.

"We will approach Cord," he said. “We are coming home for the 42 tribes… and I say 'No! No! No! to corruption and ethnicity."

The politician said he was just testing the waters and was not bitter.

"Oloo can never be bitter. I am just passionate in whatever I do," he said.

The former secretary general told the Star on Tuesday that he was finalising talks with leaders of ODM party, which is under Raila Odinga's Cord coalition.

Oloo played a key role in Uhuru's presidential campaign in 2013.

But it was alleged that Oloo pulled one-man shows during his tenure as TNA secretary general and that his rivals in Jubilee had pledged to prevent this.

"For now I will not comment on the matter," he said on Tuesday.

More on this: Onyango Oloo ditches Jubilee for ODM, merger intricacies resurface

Also read: TNA’s Oloo tells Luos how to return to power





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