
Saturday, January 14, 2017

Liberals Due For A Reality Check; They Lost

by Jim Mullen, Contributing Author: Watching a child covering both ears, teeth clinched and eyes tightly closed, repeatedly screaming, "I can't hear you" over something they find objectionable; like an adult forcing them to face truth and reality, is somewhat amusing and sometimes "cute."

Watching and hearing adults exhibiting this child-like, petulant behavior, however, is bizarre. A significant segment of the Democrat Party, academia, and the mainstream media ignore the obviousness of the recent presidential election. These infantile ignoramuses, who, despite the overwhelming victory by Donald Trump, insist Bill's wife, won the election.

These pitiful pundits and pretenders imagine they are of superior intellect, blessed with God-like insightfulness, and that they are endowed with the divine right to rule over the sweaty, unknowing masses. They fancy themselves far above such trivial matters of or resembling reality and truth. These trifles just hold them down and inhibit their ascension to the high moral ground and self-important smugness.

Leftists live, write, and speak employing preprogrammed liberal talking points (aka preconceived lies) sprinkled with bountiful fairy dust fantasies. Depths of thought and introspection are sorely absent. These thoroughly indoctrinated, idealistic, pipe dreamers living in their own fantasy world will not change reality regardless of how hard they try, invectives they hurl, or how loudly they scream.

Twisted logic, bullying, and misrepresenting facts (AKA) lying, will not liberate anyone from truth and the real world. Recognizing the world as it is will purge those talking points from those overly programmed minds.

Come on all ye left-wingers - may I suggest you put on your ruby slippers, click your heels together three times, and say, "there's no place like reality," and maybe you'll be transported - or should I say, transformed and liberated.

Ah, yes. The starkness of the world can be stone cold sobering, but accepting it can allow you to live at peace with the truth. You behave like spoiled brats with your incoherent wailing. You're so used to getting your way you pout and insist the world change to fit your warped version of existence.

As you begin your long journey back to earth from your aerie home in La-La Land, remember; set your unsteady feet squarely in the Republic of the United States of America, and consider the following:

Our nation is not a direct democracy, but rather a constitutional representative democracy - otherwise referred to as a republic. We elect representatives to vote for president, and we elect senators and congressional representatives to represent us in Congress. Each state is represented individually in presidential elections; therefore, nationwide voting totals for president are irrelevant. Since each state is apportioned delegates according to their population, this system works well and prevents sizable population centers like California, New York, and a few other states from overwhelming smaller states and repeatedly selecting the American President. As a result, contenders for president must campaign and interact with voters across the nation, rather than campaigning full-time in large states.

Ignorance of these facts says volumes about the deplorable failures of the government, the media, and especially the corrupt education system with which our nation has been cursed for decades. There was a time when eighth-grade civics taught Americans more about their government and how it works than graduate students in college know today.

Now, for all those back into the realm of reality, get the ludicrous idea that Russia hacked the presidential election, allowing Trump to win, completely out of your mind. Clinton's soon-to-be campaign manager, John Podesta, fell for an obvious phishing sting and revealed his email password to scammers. His emails provided grist for every political mill in the world. They gave a repulsive insight into the Clinton campaign and exposed corruption, media collusion, racism, anti-Semitism, and seamy discourse between staffers. Clinton's own staff directed the unflattering, glaring light upon the incompetence and corruption of Mrs. Bill Clinton. No one disputed anything in this tell-all, soap opera- scenario of Podesta emails; in other words, the inconvenient, bare bone's truth, well known by the media was, at last, unmasked and confirmed.

Our country hacks nations - friends, and foes alike, all over the globe. Likewise, they hack us. In the eight years of Obama's corrupt regime, our nation was hacked by Russia, China, Iran, Korea, and dozens of other countries. However, nothing even ruffled a feather in Obama's defensive quiver; until Clinton fumbled at the goal line and lost, what he thought was a sure-win election. In spite of the theft of millions of federal workers' personal information, nothing moved him to launch a diplomatic or punitive arrow toward the Chinese perpetrators. In the end, no experts believe Russia hacked our election. Likewise, no experts believe that revelations of these emails or unmasking the truth, led to Clinton's loss. Americans simply wanted change from the Marxist policies of Barack Obama on which she campaigned. Additionally, she had one qualification for president; she married Bill Clinton.

Continual histrionics of carping and whining that Bill's wife won the election is delusional, and smacks of desperation. To be perfectly clear, let's paraphrase from that infamous, narcissistic, hero-god of liberalism - Barack Obama. Elections have consequences; we won; you lost. Let that penetrate the closed-minded little neurotic worlds of all you liberal ideologues. In the real world, you don't get to change or make up rules after an election, like you carry out in your progressive dreams. Allow the inevitable to sink in - Donald J. Trump is President of the United States!
Jim Mullen is a West Virginia conservative Republican activist writing articles at Freedom For US Now and a contributing author to the ARRA News Service

Tags: Jim Mullen, Freedom for US Now, Liberals, Due For, Reality Check, They Lost To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!

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