
Thursday, January 19, 2017

Dr. Tom Price ?An Excellent Choice? For HHS Secretary

'Healthcare Is Not An Academic Exercise For [Dr.] Price. It Is Not A Distant Policy Or Political Debate. It Is A Passion And One He Has Dedicated His Life To Improving'

FORMER HHS SECRETARIES: 'Price's Unique Expertise Makes Him More Than Qualified To Serve As Secretary Of The Department Of Health And Human Services'

FORMER HHS SECRETARIES TOMMY THOMPSON and MICHEAL LEAVITT: "As former HHS Secretary's, we personally know the immense responsibilities that come with leading the vast and complex collection of agencies that not only oversees a broad implementation of federal health policy, but also has the potential to impact Americans on a very individual level. . . As the healthcare system continues to evolve, it is critical that the HHS Secretary understands the legislative, budget, and regulatory process, the current state of healthcare system, and what changes need to be made to improve the healthcare system and the health of Americans. . . Given these considerations we are confident that Price is an excellent choice to be the next Secretary of the HHS." (Tommy Thompson And Michael Leavitt, Op-Ed, "We Speak From Experience: Tom Price Is Right For HHS," The Hill, 1/14/2017)
  • "Healthcare is not an academic exercise for Price. It is not a distant policy or political debate. It is a passion and one he has dedicated his life to improving. He has cared for individuals from all walks of life, in a hospital and clinical setting, under any variety of circumstances. . . Price has fought — both as a physician and a Congressman — for solutions that would ensure all Americans have the freedom to make their own healthcare decisions. He has seen firsthand the impact that regulations and laws can have on patients, physicians, and the delivery of care. He understands, as well as anyone, that the American people want a healthcare system that is responsive to their needs, affordable for themselves and their families, and driven by choices and innovation." (Tommy Thompson And Michael Leavitt, Op-Ed, "We Speak From Experience: Tom Price Is Right For HHS," The Hill, 1/14/2017)
  • "Price brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the job. As a practicing orthopaedic surgeon for over 20 years, he understands and appreciates the position of the individual patient in our healthcare system. In addition to helping found and run a successful private orthopaedic practice, he taught and trained new physicians — working at both Emory University School of Medicine as well as Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta. . . Price's unique expertise makes him more than qualified to serve as Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, particularly at a time when our country is continuing to debate how to reform and improve our healthcare system so that it can best serve all Americans." (Tommy Thompson And Michael Leavitt, Op-Ed, "We Speak From Experience: Tom Price Is Right For HHS," The Hill, 1/14/2017)
FELLOW SURGEONS: 'Dr. Price Has Decades Of Leadership On Health Care Policy Issues And Firsthand Experience Caring For Patients'

AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGEONS (AAOS) President Gerald R. Williams, Jr., MD: "Dr. Price has decades of leadership on health care policy issues and firsthand experience caring for patients for nearly twenty years. He has worked closely with AAOS on issues including repeal of the Medicare sustainable growth rate formula, oversight of mandatory bundled payment models, increasing flexibility within electronic health record programs, defending important in-office ancillary services, and protecting the patient-physician relationship. He has been an indispensable voice within the House Republican Doctors Caucus, making significant contributions to health policy reform and furthering the interests of patients. And he has been one of the most important champions in improving the care of patients in the specialty, rural, and small or solo practice settings." (American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Press Release, 11/19/2016)

AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGEONS (AAOMS) President Douglas W. Fain, DDS, MD, FACS: "Chairman Price, as a physician-member of Congress, has been a leader on healthcare policy over the past decade in Congress and will continue to do so as HHS Secretary. We welcome Dr. Price's experience as a physician and experience in dealing directly with patients and feel this perspective will serve him well as HHS moves to address how best to advance healthcare policy in the future. We believe that his perspective at HHS will result in policies that will empower patient choice and market-based solutions while reducing excessive regulatory burdens on doctors that often result in less time devoted to patient care. We urge the Senate to move quickly to confirm Dr. Price as the next Secretary of HHS." (American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, Press Release, 1/04/2017)

AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NEUROLOGICAL SURGEONS (AANS) AND CONGRESS OF NEUROLOGICAL SURGEONS (CNS): "On behalf of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) and Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS), representing more than 4,000 practicing neurosurgeons in the United States, we are writing in strong support of Rep. Tom Price, MD (R-Ga.) to become the next Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)." (Frederick A. Boop, President, American Association of Neurological Surgeons, and Alan M. Scarrow, President, Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Letter to Sen. Alexander, 1/04/2017)
  • "Throughout his time in Congress, Dr. Price, an orthopaedic surgeon, has been a staunch advocate for the preservation of the doctor-patient relationship, a fierce protector of private practice, and a stalwart supporter of academic medicine. As a practicing physician, and because of his work on key congressional committees with jurisdiction over health care issues, he understands all aspects of the health care system, which is essential to run HHS effectively. We have every confidence that Dr. Price will work tirelessly to create a health care delivery system that promotes high-quality, high-value, and better-coordinated care for our nation's patients." (Frederick A. Boop, President, American Association of Neurological Surgeons, and Alan M. Scarrow, President, Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Letter to Sen. Alexander, 1/04/2017)
AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR RADIATION ONCOLOGY (ASTRO): "The American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) today expressed its support for the nominations of Tom Price, MD, as Health and Human Services (HHS) Department Secretary and Seema Verma as Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Administrator." (ASTRO, Press Release, 11/29/2016)
  • ASTRO Chair David C. Beyer, MD, FASTRO: "ASTRO congratulates Dr. Tom Price on his nomination to serve as HHS Secretary. We believe Dr. Price's experience and expertise as a physician will be critical in addressing the health care challenges faced by patients and health professionals. ASTRO greatly appreciates Dr. Price's leadership in Congress to protect access to high quality radiation oncology care for cancer patients." (ASTRO, Press Release, 11/29/2016)
AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION Board of Trustees Chair Patrice A. Harris, M.D.: "The American Medical Association strongly supports the nomination of Dr. Tom Price to become the next Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS). His service as a physician, state legislator and member of the U.S. Congress provides a depth of experience to lead HHS. Dr. Price has been a leader in the development of health policies to advance patient choice and market-based solutions as well as reduce excessive regulatory burdens that diminish time devoted to patient care and increase costs." (AMA Press Release, 11/29/2016)
AMERICAN HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION President and CEO Rick Pollack: "Dr. Price's experience both as a surgeon, along with practicing at Emory University and Grady Memorial Hospital, makes him uniquely qualified to lead the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). He has spent most of his career working in hospitals as an orthopedic surgeon, and his experience as a provider of care will serve patients well in this new role. …His clinical knowledge along with his congressional experience make him an impressively qualified candidate for HHS secretary." (American Hospital Association, Press Release, 11/2016)

HEALTHCARE SECTOR LEADERS: 'It Is Difficult To Imagine Anyone More Capable Of Serving His Nation As The Secretary Of Health And Human Services Than Congressman Tom Price'

MEDICAL DEVICE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (MDMA) President Mark Leahey: "Dr. Price has a rich history of improving patient care and fostering medical innovation, both which are central to the mission of HHS.  As a surgeon and as a Congressman, he has been a passionate voice on expanding patient access to treatments that address their specific needs.  If approved by the Senate, MDMA looks forward to working with Dr. Price to ensure that America's patients get timely access to the cures and therapies provided by medical technologies." (Medical Device Manufacturers Association, Press Release, 11/29/2016)

ADVANCED MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATION (ADVAMED) President Scott Whitaker: "AdvaMed congratulates Rep. Price on being nominated as Secretary of HHS. As an orthopedic surgeon, he understands the important role medical technology plays in improving patient outcomes – allowing them to live longer, more productive lives – and in adding value to health care systems. Rep. Price has been a strong proponent for health care delivery policies that factor in the importance of patient access to medical technology." (Advanced Medical Technology Association, Press Release, 11/30/2016)

HEALTHCARE LEADERSHIP COUNCIL President Mary R. Grealy: "It is difficult to imagine anyone more capable of serving his nation as the Secretary of Health and Human Services than Congressman Tom Price.  With the work that lies ahead in improving the accessibility, quality and sustainability of our healthcare system, President-elect Trump has acted wisely in choosing a man who is both a diligent public servant and a widely acknowledged expert on health policy." ("Healthcare Leadership Council Statement On Nomination Of U.S. Representative Tom Price To Be HHS Secretary," Healthcare Leadership Council Website, Accessed 1/17/2017)
NFIB President Juanita Duggan: "Small business owners are thrilled to see Congressman Tom Price, a physician and a leader in the House on health care and budgetary policy, selected to lead the Department of Health and Human Services. NFIB battled Obamacare all the way to the Supreme Court because we knew it would harm small businesses and their employees. The cost of health insurance remains the number one problem for our members. Our surveys show that small businesses have seen their costs increase every year since the law went into effect. It's time for real reform." (NFIB, Press Release, 11/29/2016)

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