Voters |
Here is a metaphysical fact:
There is only one reason to NOT require a photo ID from voters, and that is to enable vote fraud.
Democrats continue to defend their vote fraud schemes by claiming that requiring a photo ID is racist. Specifically, they contend that African-Americans are not as capable of obtaining a photo ID as white people, a charge that is horribly demeaning and racist on its face. Somehow the Democrat lie about Republican racism lives on against history, facts and logic.
James O'Keefe of Project Veritas has released yet another in a series of video stings showing how easy vote fraud is in a state like Michigan where no voter ID is required.
O'Keefe walked into a polling place and asked if they have a Brian Dickerson on their list. He chose Dickerson, a reporter for the Detroit Free Press, because he is a supporter of unfettered voting rights for all. When O'Keefe said he lost his identification while hunting, he was handed Dickerson's ballot anyway.
O'Keefe and his team repeated the experiment, receiving ballots for the Dean of the Wayne State University Law School, the Democrat leader of the Michigan house of representatives, a Michigan Democrat state senator, the editorial page editor and also another columnist from the Detroit Free Press, and even Detroit mayor Michael Duggan.
O'Keefe and friends did not actually complete the ballots, knowing that would give officials an opening to throw them in jail. O'Keefe has done jail time before for daring to shine the light of truth. When O'Keefe went to Mayor Duggan's office to get a comment on the video, the Detroit city attorney threatened him.
33 states now require voter ID. But the Democrats will not back down – when legislative efforts fail they just turn to their allies in the courts to impose their will on the public.
The Voter Integrity Project (VIP) offers some hope and tools to stem the tide of vote fraud in the USA. But if the polls are 50/50 at election time, we can still expect the Democrats to win by 15%.
Tom Balek is a fellow conservative activist, blogger, musician and contributes to the ARRA News Service. Tom resides in North Carolina and seeks to educate those too busy with their work and families to notice how close to the precipice our economy has come. He blogs at Rockin' On the Right Side
Tags: Vote Fraud, So Easy, protect elections, elections, Tom Balek, Rockin' On The Right Side To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!
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