
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Dirty Harry Strikes Again, Don't Let Your Friends Fall For It, Trump's Tweets vs. Hillary's Agenda

Dirty Harry
by Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: Dirty Harry Strikes Again - He's at it again. Dirty Harry Reid, the Senate Democrat Leader, is trying to manipulate the election by smearing the Republican nominee.

Here's the latest: Yesterday, Reid sent a letter to FBI Director James Comey demanding an investigation into Russian interference in the political campaign.

According to Reid, there is a "direct connection between the Russian government and Donald Trump's campaign." Reid alleges that Russian President Vladimir Putin is "tampering with this election."

There is a reason Reid is called "Dirty Harry." You may recall that he did something very similar in August of 2012.

Reid used the United States Senate as a prop to smear Mitt Romney, claiming that unnamed sources told him Romney had not paid taxes for ten years. That "pants on fire" lie was repeated by major media outlets, which eagerly repeat left-wing talking points from the Democratic National Committee.

When Reid was later questioned about his lie, he jokingly answered, "Romney didn't win, did he?" Even the liberal Washington Post said his response was "appalling."

To the left, the ends justify the means. And when it comes to lying and deceit, Dirty Harry has no rival -- except for Crooked Hillary!

My friends, we can't allow the left to steal this election with lies and smears.

Don't Let Your Friends Fall For It - Here's what you need to keep in mind: The premise of Reid's attack is absurd.

The notion that Putin wants Donald Trump to succeed violates common sense. Trump's platform is "Make America Great Again."

In contrast:
  • Hillary Clinton is the standard bearer of the party that has been weak on national defense for the past four decades.
  • It is Clinton's party that is dominated by Code Pink and other pacifists who refuse to take on radical Islam.
  • Hillary Clinton served in the administration that has caved in the face of every Russian provocation.
What is it that Putin supposedly thinks Trump will give him? Crimea? Obama already did that.

A vacuum in Syria, allowing Russia to get a foothold in the Middle East for the first time since WWII? Obama and Clinton already did that.

The green light to sell weapons to Iran? Obama and Clinton already did that.

Does he think a President Trump would freeze the defense budget while engaging in ineffective military operations that strain our capabilities? That sounds like what Obama has been doing.

Does he think Trump will withdraw from the Middle East and abandon Israel? Obama and Hillary have spent more time bashing Israel than bashing Russia.

If Putin has a horse in this race, it would be Hillary Clinton. If the world's thugs and dictators are worried about a newly self-assured, assertive America, they would be against the election of Donald Trump.

In fact, the best way for Vladimir Putin to tilt the election toward Hillary Clinton is to hack Democrat websites so that Hillary and the left can claim Putin is trying to help Trump.

Trump's Tweet vs. Hillary's Agenda - In recent days, the media have attempted to Donald Trump's tweets into a yet another controversy. Is that really what we should be focused on?

After NBA star Dwyane Wade's cousin was shot and killed, Trump tweeted, "Dwayne [sic] Wade's cousin was just shot and killed walking her baby in Chicago. Just what I have been saying. African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP!"

Moments later, Trump expressed his condolences. But the media pounced on his alleged insensitivity, and the tweet became a major focus of debate over the weekend.

Responding to the faux controversy, Governor Mike Pence said, "The media are so busy parsing what Donald Trump said in the last 30 minutes that they keep ignoring what the Clintons have been doing for the last 30 years."

That is exactly what we should be focused on -- Hillary's radical agenda and her record of corruption!

On Fox & Friends this morning, Laura Ingraham noted that yesterday a federal judge has ordered the State Department to hand over Huma Abedin's emails by October 14th. Again, this should be headline news. Why aren't the media more interested in what Hillary and the State Department are obviously trying to conceal?

By the way, the State Department announced today that it has found 30 more Hillary emails related to Benghazi. These were among the 15,000 emails that the FBI found on Hillary's server.

As the Washington Examiner noted: "The discovery of 30 such emails is significant because Clinton has repeatedly assured the public, Congress and FBI agents that she turned over all work-related communications in late 2014."

Ingraham went on to note that when it comes to the Clintons you have no chance of getting the truth unless there is DNA evidence or a federal judge willing to issue subpoenas. But if Hillary is elected president, the number of judges able to restrain her will shrink dramatically as she replaces them.

Just look at the corruption the Clintons are engaged in while there is still a semi-independent judiciary. If elected, Clinton will have unfettered power and she will complete Obama's fundamental transformation of America.

The legislative branch already appears weak and ineffective, and in very short order the judicial branch will be transformed by Clinton's appointments of left-wing hacks.

To our #NeverTrump friends: Your fairy tale that America can go down this road and somehow recover in four years is political malpractice.
Gary Bauer is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families

Tags: Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families, Dirty Harry, Don't Let Your Friends Fall For It, Trump's Tweets, Hillary's Agenda To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!

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