
Saturday, June 4, 2016

Weekend Review: Reality Strikes Back, Left-wing Fascism, Immigration Issues, Splits On The Left

by Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: Reality Strikes Back
Two days ago, Barack Obama was bragging about how good the economy supposedly was and blaming right-wing media for talking it down. Based on today's jobs report, Obama might order drone strikes on Fox News and Rush Limbaugh's EIB headquarters!

Experts expected that at least 160,000 new jobs were created last month. Reality struck back with a vengeance this morning. According to the Labor Department's report, only 38,000 new jobs were created last month -- the worst level of job creation in at least five years.

There's even more bad news. Jobs figures for March and April were revised downward dramatically, representing a loss of nearly 60,000 jobs.

Remember when Hillary said that she was going to put Bill in charge of the economy because he knows how to create jobs? Perhaps she should have asked him while she was still in Obama's cabinet. Clearly, our community organizer-in-chief needs a few pointers on job creation.

Left-wing Fascism
Violence erupted at a Donald Trump rally in San Jose, California, last night. Once again, left-wing demonstrators waved Mexican flags and burned Trump hats and the American flag. When the event ended, Trump supporters were assaulted as they tried to leave.

One woman was pelted in the face with eggs. A man was hit in the head from behind and left bleeding from the wound. Another, according to a local news report, was "chased down like prey."

Let's be absolutely clear about this: These were Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders supporters engaging in the tactics of fascism, literally beating up attendees at a political rally as they attempted to go home.

CNN reported that some were holding signs reading, "We Need Socialism." One man had a sign that read, "This is Mexico! You are not welcome on Native/Mexican Soil." For the record, San Jose is about 430 miles north of the Mexican border.

To its credit, MSNBC broadcast the violence live on the air. It appears some on the left were embarrassed and shamed as a result.

John Podesta, Hillary's campaign chairman, was forced to condemn the attacks. Liberal reporter John Harwood tweeted, "It is repulsive that anti-Trump protestors are beating up Trump supporters. Those responsible should be locked up."

The radical left-wing outfit Mother Jones couldn't deny the truth, reporting with this headline, "Donald Trump Supporters Violently Attacked in San Jose." Even Cher was appalled.

Predictably, some progressives blamed Donald Trump for the violence. San Jose Mayor Tom Liccardo, a Democrat and Hillary Clinton supporter, said to the Associated Press, "At some point Donald Trump needs to take responsibility for the irresponsible behavior of his campaign."

What exactly would that irresponsible behavior be? He is running for president on a platform that includes making sure our borders are secured. Apparently, that now constitutes actions which, in the fevered minds of some leftists, justify violence.

Friends, I do not believe it is hyperbole to say that we are on the verge of losing our country when asking for secured borders justifies mob violence by those who have come across the border legally or otherwise. It is like warning of undefended borders in ancient Rome and getting attacked by the Huns.

Meanwhile, In the Real World. . .
I could go on at length about these next few items, but I think the headlines speak for themselves, especially in the context of the urgent need for border security and immigration reform.
  • "German Police Arrest 3 Syrians Over Alleged ISIS Terror Plot" -- CNN
  • "State Dept. Official on Syrian Refugees: 'We're Going to Bring in 10,000 This Year'" -- CNSNews
  • "1,037 Syrian Refugees Admitted in May: Two Christians, 1,035 Muslims" -- CNSNews
  • "U.S. Military Eyes 'Extremist Islamic Movement' In Latin America" -- The Hill
  • "Smuggling Network Guided Illegals From Middle East Terror Hotbeds To U.S. Border" -- The Washington Times>/b>
  • "Accused War Criminal Found Working At Dulles Airport" -- WTOP
  • "Obama Admin Withholding Info About 86,000 Criminal Illegal Immigrants" -- Washington Free Beacon
Splits On The Left
Maya Dillard Smith, a black woman, quit her job last week. Was bigotry and harassment to blame for her quitting? Sort of. I'll let her explain what happened:

"I have shared my personal experience of having taken my elementary school age daughters into a women's restroom when shortly after three transgender young adults, over six feet [tall] with deep voices, entered. My children were visibly frightened, concerned about their safety and left asking lots of questions for which I, like many parents, was ill-prepared to answer."

So she began asking questions about President Obama's transgender mandate forcing schools to allow boys who think they are girls to use the girls' restrooms. But her employer had no tolerance for her commonsense values.

So, Dillard Smith, who has degrees from Berkeley and Harvard, quit her job. . . as executive director of the Georgia ACLU. She was reportedly one of only three black ACLU state directors.

She blasted the ACLU for being intolerant and refusing to "engage in dialogue." She said the radical group is "a special interest organization that promotes" only "certain progressive rights . . . based on who is funding the organization's lobbying activities."

Dillard Smith's experience is another reminder that black Americans supported traditional marriage in greater percentages than white Americans.

Conservatives need to be reaching out to the black community on values issues. But, first, the Republican Party has to find the will to actually fight for these issues and make the case for traditional values.
Gary Bauer is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families

Tags: Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families, Week in Review, Barrack Obama, Reality Strikes Back, decline in jobs, Left-wing Fascism, Real World, news stories, border security, immigration reform, Splits On The Left To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!


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