
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Republican-Led Senate Kicks Off Week with Bipartisan Bill

The energy security and water infrastructure funding legislation before us is the result of many hours of hard work and research. It will reduce wasteful spending. It will bolster national security…it represents yet another example of what's possible in a Senate that's back to work.'
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor today regarding the Senate consideration of appropriations bills:

"The top Democrat on the Appropriations Committee recently said that the energy security and water infrastructure funding legislation before us marks an 'excellent kickoff' to the appropriations process.

"'This is the first bill of the Appropriations Committee to come to the floor,' she said, and 'it signals that we are ready to do regular order.'

"I share Senator Mikulski's sentiment here. It's been good to see colleagues across the aisle express an interest in working cooperatively this appropriations season, because we know continued cooperation will be essential to a successful appropriations process.

"We've seen plenty of positive signs in the Appropriations Committee already. The committee has already approved a third of the 12 funding bills on a bipartisan basis. With continued cooperation we'll have an opportunity to pass the first of these bills on the floor this week.

"The energy security and water infrastructure funding legislation before us is the result of many hours of hard work and research. It will reduce wasteful spending. It will bolster national security. And — by advancing priorities like public safety, waterways infrastructure, economic development, and energy innovation — it will impact all 50 of our states.

"This 'excellent kickoff' to the appropriations season enjoys bipartisan support, it advanced out of committee by a unanimous vote, and it represents yet another example of what's possible in a Senate that's back to work.

"I thank Subcommittee Chairman Alexander for working with Ranking Member Feinstein to move this important bill out of committee. Let's continue our work today to get it one step closer to passage."

Tags: Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leaders, bipartisan bill, appropriations bills, energy security and infrastructre funding  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!


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