
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

President Obama Threatens & Interferes With British Election | Europe Under Siege

by Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: After nearly eight years of groveling at the feet of the world's worst tyrants, from the mullahs of Iran to the Castro brothers in Cuba, President Obama has finally located his spine and laid down the law. Unfortunately, the target of his ire was not the North Koreans or ISIS, but the dreaded Brits!

Britain is in the middle of an important debate over whether to withdraw from the European Union. The press has dubbed the June vote "Brexit."

Polling shows voters are deeply divided. As Europe struggles with a massive influx of migrants and growing national security issues, many British voters believe they are giving up too much national sovereignty in exchange for a quagmire of European problems.

Enter Obama. Always hesitant to lecture any dictator about what he should or should not do, he quickly jumped into Britain's domestic political debate and made it clear how he wanted the British people to vote.

And just in case they weren't listening, he threatened to punish England if its citizens voted to withdraw from the EU. Obama suggested that the U.S. would make trade deals with Europe first, and would only get around to making trade deals with Great Britain five or ten years later.

His interference in a domestic debate has riled many British commentators, as it should. Some are predicting that far from helping the pro-European Union cause he actually hurt it. I hope so.

As reports of Obama's aggressive interference in a purely British domestic debate poured in over the weekend, I couldn't help but remember what happened when Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu came to the United States to address Congress on the Iranian nuclear deal in March of 2015. Obama and his cronies were furious at Netanyahu's "interference" even though the deal would directly and immediately impact Israel's national security.

So in Obama's world, it is okay for him to interfere in a British referendum on a matter of no national security interest to the United States, but it is unacceptable for the prime minister of Israel to offer advice to Congress on a matter that poses an existential threat to his nation.

With Obama consistency only shows itself in one way: he consistently rewards our enemies while threatening and lecturing our friends.

Europe Under Siege - To understand why many in Great Britain might want out of the European Union, just consider the chaos caused by the current wave of Muslim migration that is sweeping the continent. Conservatives have been warning that Europe's lax immigration system was being exploited by ISIS. In fact, ISIS has bragged about it.

Now even the Washington Post is belatedly acknowledging reality. In a front-page story this weekend, the Post retraces the steps of four ISIS terrorists, two of whom were involved in the deadly Paris attacks.

Europe's experience is relevant to the United States, especially given Barack Obama's intention to bring in more Syrian refugees, virtually all of whom are Muslims.

Justice Arthur Goldberg famously wrote that the Constitution "is not a suicide pact." Compassion is not a suicide pact either. In a time of war, which we are in, compassion untempered by rationality leads to death. Sadly, too many elites in the West continue to stick their heads in the sand.
Gary Bauer is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families

Tags: Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families, President Obama, threatens, interfers, British election, Europe under Seige  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!


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