
Friday, December 11, 2015

Trump Disqualified, Are Democrats Bigots, Clueless Elites, Communists, Polygamists & Carter?

by Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: Trump Disqualified? White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest and most of the left-wing media jumped on Donald Trump yesterday, suggesting that the Republican frontrunner was unfit to be president.

You'd better sit down for this one. Earnest explained that Trump was disqualified because:

"The first thing a president does when he or she takes the oath of office is to swear an oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. And the fact is, what Donald Trump said yesterday disqualifies him from serving as president."Josh must be auditioning for a spot on "Saturday Night Live" after his White House career ends. Trump isn't following the Constitution? Josh, you work for Barack Obama -- the Constitution Killer-in-Chief!

Your boss has repeatedly ignored the laws and Constitution of the United States. Obama has been slapped down more than a dozen times by a unanimous Supreme Court, including in one notable case that involved religious liberty.

He has governed more like a Latin American strongman, ignoring laws on marriage and immigration and bypassing Congress and public opinion on issues like the Iran nuclear deal and climate change. This administration has zero credibility on defending the Constitution.

Are Democrats Bigots? While "The Donald" is being denounced as a bigot and compared to Hitler, I want to remind you that just a few weeks ago Republican governors were also being called bigots because 29 of them insisted that the screening process for Syrian refugees be tightened.

The entire conservative movement has been called bigoted because we have lambasted the president and the media for their refusal to state the obvious: There is a large and growing Islamist supremacy movement driving the terrorist attacks around the world.

A revealing vote took place last night in the House of Representatives, where a bill passed 407-to-19. All Republicans voted for it, as did 165 House Democrats. What does this new law do that received such a massive bipartisan vote?

It says that people in 38 nations, who currently are not required to have a visa to travel to the United States, can no longer use the visa waiver program if they have recently traveled to nations that are considered to be "terror hotspots," as the media have phrased it. That would be nations like Iraq, Iran, Syria and Sudan.

Not coincidentally, all are overwhelmingly Muslim nations.

So 165 House Democrats, many of whom have been labeling conservatives as bigots, just engaged in religious profiling by "red flagging" only nations with predominantly Muslim populations.

While we're at it, let me say something about the "Nazis" who run Norway. (Of course, Norway is not run by Nazis. Like most European nations, it is fairly left-of-center.)

Norway has just announced a program in which it will provide Muslim refugees with a free plane ticket back to their country of origin and provide them with cash to help them resettle. The cash payments could total over $9,000.

What could have possibly led Norwegians to institute such a program? Maybe they looked at the current levels of mass migration, saw the attack in Paris and decided they didn't want Norway to look like Syria. As modest as this reaction is and as late as it is, apparently even in Norway there is an impulse for self-preservation.

Clueless Elite
s - Time has named German Chancellor Angela Merkel 2015's "Person of the Year." What has Merkel done to deserve this honor? Part of the reason was that she invited nearly a million (and still coming) Muslims migrants into Germany.

Merkel created a crisis in Germany that is straining her country, as well as every other European nation that is on the migrant's way to Germany.

The elite view is that national borders are impediments and obstacles, and today our media mavens are celebrating Europe's biggest open borders advocate. For all the liberal values that Time claims to cherish, I guarantee there will be a big difference between the Germany of today and one that is majority Muslim in the years to come.

Communists, Polygamists & Carter - Here's a brief history lesson, friends, which shows just how out-of-touch the party of Obama and Clinton are today.

In response to the Iranian hostage crisis in 1979, President Jimmy Carter took a series of executive actions. Among them, he effectively banned Iranians from entering the country by voiding visas issued for future travel to the United States.

Carter also ordered 50,000 Iranian students in the United States to report to immigration offices within 30 days. Approximately 15,000 Iranian students were then deported for visa violations.

Carter relied on the Nationality Act of 1952 to enforce these measures. While the law was largely written to keep communists out of the country, it also included this interesting section that denied entry to "Aliens who are polygamists or who practice polygamy or advocate the practice of polygamy." (Hint -- they meant Muslims.)

There was virtually no pushback by the media or the political establishment. I don't recall many people accusing Jimmy Carter of violating our values. And in 1979, we had not yet been subjected to routine terrorist attacks carried out by militant Islamists.

Nevertheless, Carter was attacked by the Republican Party and even many Democrats . . . for being too soft on Iran.
Gary Bauer is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families

Tags: Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families, Donald Trump, Democrats, Bigots, Clueless Elites, Communists, Polygamists, Jimmy Carter To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!


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